
Cost for calling 87373

  • 19 May 2020
  • 3 replies


What’s the cost for calling this number for a conference call POwownow 


Cheaper rates for mobile:

When you or any of your participants dial-in using a mobile phone, and you use our new shortcode, all UK providers should charge the call at only 12.5p per minute + VAT, compared to 40p per minute charged by some providers when dialling an 0844 number. Want to know your exact rate? Contact your provider to confirm.


3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @questionorange 

Welcome to iD community.

For full information on billing, please click here.

For any charges you are unsure of also head here  to get a comprehensive breakdown of additional costs.

Hope this helps.



I’ve already looked at those things and come here as a final resort because I can’t find the answer and can’t speak to anyone. Your response is patronising and actually worse than no response.  The reason I asked a question is to get an answer to the question, not an automated response that doesn’t actually the question. 

I would really advise you as a company to think about how you provide customer support because for most people, saving a few pounds a month is not worth the hassle of not being able to get help when you need it. 

please can you answer this - I’m not able to get through to speak to anyone from id mobile and there is no live chat available despite waiting for a long time. 


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