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I am unable to read my bills on the app and website, basically it is all gobbledy gook. Even when I download the document.

Hey there HTG, we’re very sorry to hear you’re having issues with viewing your bills. 


Just to confirm, are you opening this via an Apple device? I ask as this is an on-going and known issue with opening our bills via an iPhone, iPad etc. Unfortunately, it seems to be an issue with the newest iOS updates, and unfortunately, is completely out of our control and something we can’t resolve.


Therefore, I’d advise the following to resolve this:


  1. Open via a non Apple device, and it should open fine
  2. Download and view via a third-party PDF reader
  3. Contact Apple regarding this
  4. Contact us with any bill related queries, and we’d be happy to answer.

Thank you,


I am unable to read my bills on the app and website, basically it is all gobbledy gook. Even when I download the document.

I have this problem, too!
I came here to find a solution!

Have you managed to view your bills in English, yet?


Hi @Debbie16 


Please see the above from @Tyler on this which outlines a few work arounds and suggestions.



I am unable to read my bills on the app and website, basically it is all gobbledy gook. Even when I download the document.

I have this problem, too!
I came here to find a solution!

Have you managed to view your bills in English, yet?


Apparently it is a problem with apple devices, iPhones, IPads and MacBooks, if you log into the website from a PC windows then it does work, I did this the other day.

Thank you for replying.

All of my devices are Apple, so I haven’t been able to solve the problem this way.

However, I downloaded the bill and opened it using Adobe Acrobat program.

This method worked for me.  😊

Hi @Debbie16,

Welcome to the Community!

Glad to hear that you found a work around.

If you require further assistance, please let us know.


