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I recently landed in Switzerland to discover, within minutes that £5 then another £5 were added to my account in data charges.

I would like to know how this happened since my new phone has never had the data roaming switched on.

How do I raise a complaint for recovery of these incorrect charges?

As an side, £5 for 3Mb?! Extortionate comes to mind.


Hi @Mr John Pearson 


Usage of your iD Mobile plan while in a non-inclusive zone (such as Switzerland) will incur extra costs unless your bill cap is set at £0 or roaming services turned off in your iD Mobile app/website account.


If you’ve been charged extra, your bill cap is high enough to allow charges and roaming is switched on in your iD Mobile app/website account.



Which is my point entirely. Roaming was NOT switched on. It is a new phone and by default roaming is off.

I did not turn roaming on until well into France.

Who do I send an official complaint to?


Who do I send an official complaint to?

The process is explained online at


Hi @Mr John Pearson 


We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further. 


To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’. 


Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:  


We’ll see you there. 




I had the same problem, my cap is set to £75 and my roaming was off. 

I travelled to Brazil where my data has never been available and now I have been charged £75 but haven’t used the phone at all.


i would like to make a formal complaint.



Hello ​@Luztavares 


Thanks for getting in touch. 


We are sorry to hear you have received unexpected charges on your account. 


Can you please confirm if roaming was disabled on both your account and handset? 

Also, did you travel to any other destinations?



No I stayed in Brazil for most time. I only had a connection flight in Rome during this period.


in brazil I didn’t have access to data or calls so I’m not sure why ID is charging me £75.


can you reply asap please?

Yes the roaming was disabled and I couldn’t access any data.  I stoped for a connection flight in Rome on my way to Brazil and back.



Thank you for your reply ​@Luztavares 


To clarify, had you switched off mobile data or roaming please? 

For a quicker investigation of this issue, please consider reaching out to our team via Live Chat here




