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Pretty much as per title.

I was on a PAYG sim with ID mobile, but because you can’t upgrade while keeping the same number, I had to switch to Honest mobile and then back to ID mobile. This happened in the span of a couple of days.

When switching back, ID mobile gave me an eSIM. I activated it and it worked fine -- I could call, send SMSs, and had 5G. However, on the day the number was supposed to be ported, the eSIM stopped working. The very moment the number was ported, I lost all signal on my ID mobile eSIM -- no calls, no SMSs, and obviously no data.

I reached out to support and they told me the usual -- try to reset the settings on your phone, bla bla bla. I went through a million useless steps, and it was still not working. They then issued a new eSIM.

The new eSIM also doesn’t work -- just like the previous one, the network returns “DENIED” when my sim tries to connect to the antenna, basically. I’m a software engineer and looked into the SIM -- the network is refusing to let my sim join.

So they gave me ANOTHER eSIM. Which ALSO didn’t work.

So I went to Currys and they gave me a physical card. Which ALSO didn’t work.

So I put the physical sim card in another phone. This ALSO didn’t work.

They escalated the issue to the technical team and they said the porting was successful (obviously not true) and that this is pretty much it.


How can I get this escalated further? Obviously something IS wrong and it’s not my phone or my SIM -- it’s the network denying access to my SIMs. I can literally see the error being a denied access.

I’ve also tried selecting the ID network manually in the settings, and I can clearly see that the network is denying me access.


Please refrain from giving useless suggestions like “reboot your phone”. You can assume that anything I could do or find on google, I have already done/found. I need to know how to escalate this further up in the ID mobile support.

I just contacted customer support via the live chat, who have "confirmed that the issue has been resolved" 😂


@lala295 -

As I’m already helping you in Private Messages, I’d advise against following up with Customer Services. Once I hear more, I’ll get back to you. Thanks.

Update: despite having given an overwhelming amount of evidence regarding my issue (screenshots of technical settings, timestamps of calls and SMSs, having tried 4 SIMs on 2 different devices, etc..) all that 3UK came up with today is “have you tried another device”.

I would leave iD, but I literally can’t.

Tried to get a PAC from the live agents, but they won’t send me a PAC code unless I am able to give them the OTP code they send via SMS (which obviously I can’t do since THE REASON I WANT TO LEAVE is that NOTHING WORKS). I am stuck with iD, can’t leave, can’t call, can’t receive SMSs, and I am guessing it’s only a matter of time before my bank and other services I use start requiring SMS codes to verify my identity and eventually lock me out, too.

What an unbelievable mess.

@lala295 -

Our Live Chat agents won’t give PAC without SMS, to protect against fraud. However, I’ve sent you the steps to do it in the iD Mobile app in your Private Messages. Thanks.

For those who are wondering, the app returns an error when I try to get a PAC code. However, the website worked. I got my PAC now!

Last and final update (unless someone from iD clicks the wrong button).

After almost 2 weeks of not receiving any support from iD, I have decided to switch back to Honest. With the number not working properly on iD, it was a risk, but as of today I am HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that Honest mobile was able to port the number successfully!!!! I can call, receive calls, send and receive SMSs, 5g works, and I’m just so so happy I have not lost my phone number after all!
A big THANK YOU to Honest mobile for saving me from the nightmares I’ve been going through with iD. Let my experience with iD be a warning to any future customers!!

Another update: iD mobile is now demanding I pay £61 to settle my bill despite me cancelling during the trial period and despite THEM never being able to enable my phone number properly. I have a feeling this will end up being settled by the Communications Ombudsman because there is no way I'm paying.

ID mobile is blocking my messages but they have asked I pay £61 which isn't gonna happen and I will get the communications ombudsman involved.

After almost 2 weeks of not receiving any support from iD


I thought iD had been helping until you left😯. I know you kept in touch regularly via live chat etc, so maybe repeat attempts restarted their clock as different support staff tried to intervene - IDK

Plus just for info, iD have over 2 million customers and Honest have over 4k. This might explain why Honest were quicker in providing support - I know that’s something they’re known for. I could be wrong though🤷.


I am HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that Honest mobile was able to port the number successfully!!!! I can call, receive calls, send and receive SMSs, 5g works, and I’m just so so happy I have not lost my phone number after all!


If its been running fine on Honest, with Honest confirming the port worked successfully, and was for around 24 hours or so but now


ID mobile is blocking my messages


I have no clue how they could do this, but being as you’re a software engineer maybe you could reveal how you think they can do this after your number has moved to another provider - I for one would be keen to know. As you know, if they blocked the IMEI nothing would work.


but they have asked I pay £61 which isn't gonna happen


Maybe the iD SIM was working after all and you made some non inclusive calls or texts. But if your billing cap was set to £0 I have no clue how you could incur charges in addition to your (then) normal monthly contract. Plus by leaving before the cooling off period you would only have had to pay up until the day you left - but if the bill reflects no usage I wonder if this could be an error - again IDK


and I will get the communications ombudsman involved.


I personally get that ball rolling. Good luck!

When I said they're blocking my messages, I meant messages to this thread. Looks like they block everything just in case, or idk how it works but some definitely-not-controversial or "spicy" comments have been blocked.

@lala295 -

Looks like one of your messages went into Pending. It’s now been approved and can be seen in this thread. Re: £61. As a PAC was generated without going through the returns process, a termination fee was generated. However, this has been corrected as of this morning. Thanks!

Oohh those messages. This isn’t iD doing this.

If you see a red banner with words including awaiting review after hitting send that’s Gainsight’s spam filter being a tad twitchy.

If that doesn’t catch you and you see another red banner with words including something went wrong that’s still Gainsight AFAIK.

This former message prompt has been raised by iD and it’s in the hands of Gainsight - the forums are powered by them.


What tends to happen is when iD read and check they’re not spam they post them up. It can make threads look odd until all the replies are showing.
