
Removing a default from my credit file

Good afternoon,

So I have a problem that I need your help with. It appears that I have a default on my credit file from IDmobile. Its from a sim only 30 day plan that I had over three years ago.

I never used the sim in the end as it was was bought for my business and never needed, I cancelled the DD and thought that was that, I pretty soon realised that it wasn't as simple as that when I received a letter with an outstanding amount, I paid that and thought no more of if…

Fast forward to last month and I’m informed that I can't get the mortgage that I’ve applied for due to my  (what I thought was immaculate) credit score, so I obtained a copy of it and discovered that after I had cleared my account, the monthly charge hadn't been stopped… The problem with that is that I had also moved house in that period and despite having mail redirected, I was not made aware of any outstanding balance. Despite the fact that I have even been using a new ID plan in the meantime.

I have always worked hard to maintain a good credit score, and to think that a £10 monthly sim which leads to an outstanding default amount of £35, and one of which that I was never informed of (you had my email address) is devastating when it has such an effect on a mortgage application.

If you are able to help with this then that would be great,





Best answer by Michelle 21 February 2021, 15:32

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76 replies

I have exactly the same issue. I got a Sim only deal for £7 a month, then my current provider gave me a better deal so I cancelled the Sim deal a week later (so we'll we'll  the 14 day cooling off period). I received a bill for £2 and phoned them to say "do I need to pay this? I've already cancelled the contract and have not taken the Sim card out of the packaging" - they told me no, the bill was sent before you cancelled. I've now noticed that it's shown up as two missed payments on my credit report and my score has dropped significantly! We were trying to buy a house and now I've been told I can't get a mortgage... For the sake of £2 that was no fault of my own !!!!!!! How do I escalate this with id ?! Please help. Thanks, Joanne

Userlevel 3
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Hi  @JohnnyD  @Joanne 

Sorry to hear about this. 

I have sent you both a private message with more information. 


Similar to my situation.I found a default of £1 on my credit file even though I thought I cancelled the contract last year. I cant believe that a default of £1 was recorded by ID mobile on my credit file.Could you please erase this please asap.Thanks

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Salis 

Welcome to the iD Community.

I’ve sent you a direct message with further information.


I have the same problem too.

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Hi @dino 

Welcome to the iD Community.

I’ve sent you a direct message with further information.


Hi, this is similar to my problem. I had a sim only deal end of 2018/start of 2019 and found recently that I have had 3 missed payments which I am unaware of up until now when I cannot get credit. I am more than happy to pay if I owe anything and have these removed although I think it is an error. Please could somebody contact me asap. Thanks

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Hi @RobWhile 

Welcome to the iD Community.

I’ve sent you a direct message with further information.


Hi. This is the same problem I’m having. I got a sim only deal and I didn’t need it. I contacted ID Mobile and cancelled it within the cooling off period and I thought that was it. I have then tried to get a mortgage and found out that I owe ID Mobile £32. I assumed it was all sorted when I cancelled but it’s not. I don’t mind paying this to have it all sorted. I would appreciate any help. Thansk

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Hi @Scissorboy 

Welcome to the iD Community.

I’ve sent you a direct message with further information.




I have the same problem and I have just been made aware of this now. I have been tried to explained via chat to up to 5 agents, and the chats keep dropping off due to network issue. This is quite frustrating, I hope you could help. Thank you


Userlevel 5
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Hello @emmykomm,

We’ll also get someone to PM you regarding this.




Userlevel 4
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Hi there @szam99 

All iD Mobile accounts would be accessible by the same login details through either the iD Mobile App -or- through our website for at least 6 months after an account is disconnected.

It would always be down to yourself to check if you have any outstanding balance after disconnecting, and we’d never advise anyone to cancel their Direct Debits until the final payment has come out.

If a bill goes unpaid for over a month then the balance would be passed to a collection agency who would attempt to chase you for any outstanding balance at that point.  Generally speaking, they’d send you letters I believe.  It would be worth speaking to whomever it is you had paid the outstanding balance to.

Hi @dino 

Welcome to the iD Community.

I’ve sent you a direct message with further information.


Hi I’m no longer with ID mobile currently.

Can send me detail as to how repay it.


Hi there @szam99 

All iD Mobile accounts would be accessible by the same login details through either the iD Mobile App -or- through our website for at least 6 months after an account is disconnected.

It would always be down to yourself to check if you have any outstanding balance after disconnecting, and we’d never advise anyone to cancel their Direct Debits until the final payment has come out.

If a bill goes unpaid for over a month then the balance would be passed to a collection agency who would attempt to chase you for any outstanding balance at that point.  Generally speaking, they’d send you letters I believe.  It would be worth speaking to whomever it is you had paid the outstanding balance to.

Hi, I’m no longer with ID mobile this is currently.


Can send me detail as to how to repay and removing the default from my credit file?

I didn’t anything like that just default on my credit file.

Userlevel 4
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Hi there @dino 

If you had let some bills go unpaid for an extended period of time then we’d not be able to remove the default from the account as these would have been added due to the lack of payment.

If you still have an outstanding balance, you would need to pay that to whichever agency that balance is currently with.

Hi, I haven’t received any letters from any debt agency at all. I want to set up a payment plan but no one is answering at the call centre because it’s closed  I also sent a letter back in May no reply yet.  I want to pay it back, how do I go about doing this? 

Userlevel 1

I have had the same issue. I have only today found out a mortgage application is being declined because ID Mobile have placed a default of £10 against my credit rating. When I cancelled the plan i was informed that there was nothing left to pay. 

I was contacted by a debt collection agency months after cancelling the plan. I disputed the debt and provided evidence of ID confirming that there was nothing left to pay. Following this the credit agency confirmed no further action was being taken. 

A year later i am finding out that this has been lodged against my credit rating and is preventing me from buying a home. I have raised a complaint with ID and have been told I have to wait 3 days for someone to get back to me (which means I will potentially loose the house I have put an offer on). I have tried calling ID but there call centers don’t work. I have tried emailing ID and the response time is 5 working days. I cant believe that ID have done this without informing me.

This has been devastating in terms of our ability to get our first home (which should have been a happy occasion).  

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Shani369,


We’ll drop you a Private Message now to get this investigated and right any wrongs.



i have the same problem, i dont have the details for the previous contract and my credit file says im in default over 200 pounds?? i have changed adress since but need to have this corrected. please help

Userlevel 1

Speaking to the complaints team at ID mobile was useless. They refused to wipe the debt (which in itself was ridiculous) and failed to meet every timescale they set for themselves. I have taken them to the Ombudsman for their unlawful business practices and poor customer service and since then that have offered to wipe the debt / refund the money and apologise. But it took a long time to get there and I had to get a third party involved so they could fix their own incompetences!

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @Shani369,


Which Team was it you spoke to sorry? How was it you communicated with them?


Did they specify a reason they wouldn’t waive the fee?



Hi can someone message me too, I took a phone contract out along with a ID mobile one years ago, I then returned the phone within the timescale but was still chased for a balance which I paid but was still defaulted?? I returned the phone this is outrageous

Userlevel 6
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Hi @Adnaan98,

We are very sorry to hear about that. We will send you a PM now so that we can help further.
