
Removing a default from my credit file

Good afternoon,

So I have a problem that I need your help with. It appears that I have a default on my credit file from IDmobile. Its from a sim only 30 day plan that I had over three years ago.

I never used the sim in the end as it was was bought for my business and never needed, I cancelled the DD and thought that was that, I pretty soon realised that it wasn't as simple as that when I received a letter with an outstanding amount, I paid that and thought no more of if…

Fast forward to last month and I’m informed that I can't get the mortgage that I’ve applied for due to my  (what I thought was immaculate) credit score, so I obtained a copy of it and discovered that after I had cleared my account, the monthly charge hadn't been stopped… The problem with that is that I had also moved house in that period and despite having mail redirected, I was not made aware of any outstanding balance. Despite the fact that I have even been using a new ID plan in the meantime.

I have always worked hard to maintain a good credit score, and to think that a £10 monthly sim which leads to an outstanding default amount of £35, and one of which that I was never informed of (you had my email address) is devastating when it has such an effect on a mortgage application.

If you are able to help with this then that would be great,





Best answer by Michelle 21 February 2021, 15:32

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I too am having this problem. I set up a SIM only deal for my daughter around 6 or so years ago. She used it for a year until she got a different contract with a phone. I cancelled the account and thought nothing of it. I didn’t check my bank direct debits, and it turns out the payments never stopped. I was paying for the unused sim for an extra 3 years. I cancelled the DD and thought nothing of it until i received a debt collectors letter for £17. I immediately paid, but looking at my credit report it says I have defaulted.

How do i get this removed? I had asked for it to be cancelled correctly, and even swallowed the fact that I had been paying for so long, as i should have noticed earlier - But I am not happy with also having a mark on my credit score. 

Can somebody contact me to get this resolved please.


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Hi @benny_blanco_31,

Can you confirm how you cancelled the contract?

Cancelling the direct debit wouldn’t cancel the contract, if payments are missed due to cancelled direct debit it would reflect on your credit file.



Hi Kash, 

I canceled in the carphone warehouse store where i initially took the contract, as far as I was aware everything was done and dusted. I didn’t fully check my account to notice that you were still taking the money every month after I cancelled. If you check your records and call logs you will see that no phone calls/text/data had been used for well over 2 years. It was a first contract for my daughter and she has had numerous phones since. I don’t even know what the number was? In fact she currently has a different ID contract with you now!

I cancelled the contract in the correct manner, was still charged for years after the cancellation, and now have a default notice on my credit score. Never missed a payment in the whole term (even when you were charging me out of contract)
This is not good. I need this rectified asap please

Thank you


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I have exactly the same issue. I got a Sim only deal for £7 a month, then my current provider gave me a better deal so I cancelled the Sim deal a week later (so we'll we'll  the 14 day cooling off period). I received a bill for £2 and phoned them to say "do I need to pay this? I've already cancelled the contract and have not taken the Sim card out of the packaging" - they told me no, the bill was sent before you cancelled. I've now noticed that it's shown up as two missed payments on my credit report and my score has dropped significantly! We were trying to buy a house and now I've been told I can't get a mortgage... For the sake of £2 that was no fault of my own !!!!!!! How do I escalate this with id ?! Please help. Thanks, Joanne

I have a similar issue, please can someone advise me what to do?


Thanks, Sum

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Hi @Sumz 


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A few years back I got a phone contract for a friend. Sadly last year my friend passed away, i called a few months after this had happened as it was a lot to deal with. I was informed by a member of your staff that i could cancel the direct debit and that everything had been sorted. I have recently been interested in making an investment and noticed that ID mobile has put a load of missed payments and a default on my credit record. I have tried contacting through the chat bot several times to no avail and tried using the ‘make a complaint online’ service only to never speak to anyone helpful. I even paid the outstanding balance as a good will gesture so that your company may accept that this whole situation was down to a miscommunication between myself and a member of your staff. I would like the marks removed from my credit record so i can continue with my investment.


I see i’m not the only one that is having this issue and would like it resolved ASAP!

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Hi @Cleggy 


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I am having a similar problem. A default on my file when I cancelled in a Carphone warehouse store already.

could someone please message me, I paid the balance as soon as I found out.


Kind regards,



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Hi @Adnaan98,

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I am also in the same position. My contract was taken out and never used. A debt collection agency contacted me at my new address once and I paid straight away and cancelled the contract. The direct debit kept being taken and I tried countless times to talk to someone but got nowhere then a default was registered for a total debt of £25 that I had been trying to pay for months! I have evidence of myself cancelling the contract but the default is still there. This needs to be removed asap or I will be reporting you to the financial ombudsman 

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Hi @EmilyGolding 


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I have had a similar issue regarding defaulted accounts - can I please get some assistance here?






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Hi @Laurenedwards98,

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Hi, im in the exact same boat, totally unaware of a default on an old account, supposedly £16 now escalated to £70 which I've just paid due the fact ive been declined dor a mortgage duecto the default on my credit score that i was totally unaware of, strangest thing is im still with ID mobile with a different number 2 years on from when Ive supposedly defaulted, this has now put a strain on my relationship and family due to stress, can someone please help to get this default removed completely as i believe it was add by mistake

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Hi @Philljm 


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Hi, I also have this issue from a sim that I’ve ordered and then cancelled with you the next day.


Please could someone message me.

many thanks 

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Hi @Watto21 


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To whom this may concern,


This is my final message or action of communication before I take ID Mobile to the ombudsman/sue you. You have affected my whole life with your default over £24 which supposedly doesn’t exist anymore after ID Mobile credited £25 so I have a default on my file for no fault of mine which has affected me buying a house. I want someone to get in touch with me ASAP. Contacted ID Mobile and raised a formal complaint twice and was told someone would get in touch within 3 days did not hear anything back both times, let’s say its been 24 days shows how awful your customer service. I was once upon a time a valued customer of ID Mobile but cannot stand ID after what you have put me through. I want the credit marks/default off my file, this was all due to ID’s fault. You can’t even notify a customer that their payment hasn’t processed through any means even automated, should ID not get in touch by this week I will be consulting the Ombudsman for unlawful business practice.

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Hi @saihaanh 


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Good morning,

I have had a very similar issue to those above. I purchased a contract in 2019 which i paid £3.99 faultlessly every month for 4 years. I cancelled it at the end of last year as I hadn’t even used/ turned on the phone for a good year or two. I was unaware that payments were still trying to be taken from my account and i didn’t receive anything to say I was missing payments. Only upon applying for a mortgage yesterday had I discovered there is a default on my account of £16. I have now settled this this payment with you.

As for my mortgage as a first time buyer, we have tried with multiple lenders but I am being refused because of this. It’s caused me extreme stress and I do not know where to turn. Please can this be rectified?

Thanks, Caitlin

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Hi @CaitlinRubra 


I’m sorry to hear this, the default and late marks would remain but the account will be marked as settled.



Hi Tom,

I am of understanding that it is not viable to issue a default without a notice so I will need to escalate this further as you have not followed procedure.


Following on from my previous message,

If you can’t help me, my next step is the contact the communications ombudsman.

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Following on from my previous message,

If you can’t help me, my next step is the contact the communications ombudsman.

Unfortunately, you’ll need to lodge a formal complaint with iD Mobile first, @CaitlinRubra

The ombudsman won’t rule on any dispute, unless you’ve followed the complaints process of the company you’re in disagreement with. 

In addition, iD Mobile have a legal duty to report any missed payments for an iD account.