
Early termination fee descrepancy

  • 28 May 2024
  • 1 reply

I currently pay 45.30 a month (up from 41.99) due to CPI and sold my phone to pay off the remainder of the contract.

Now my contract officially ends on the 11/08/25 which is about 14 and a half months away.

£45.30 * 14.5 = £656 according to my calculations.

Yet ID want to charge me £791 which is a difference of £135!!

Am I missing something here or is ID’s termination fee hit and very much miss?

1 reply

Just worked it out, I was looking at the upgrade date and not the date for when my contract actually finishes in which is in October 2025.

So £45.30 * 16 = £724, but still it’s £66 higher than what I expect it to be.

Maybe it will all work out in the end.
