Terrible Service Want To Cancel, Any Advice? Hi guys, I had a pay monthly sim and phone with ID. My phone was stolen last year and was unable to use my services for a few months but still had to pay even though this was reported to ID and no support or solution was given. I then purchased a new Samsung phone and since August I have had no signal at all while inside my home and also while inside any building full stop, I only got signal while outside. I reported this to ID but again, no help or solution was given and I'm absolutely unhappy and not satisfied having to pay £17 a month for a service which I'm not getting, I'm basically being shafted having to pay monthly for nothing, I had to purchase a new sim with another provider to be able to use my phone. I'm also very dissatisfied with the fact that they have constantly increased my bill price, I started the contract at £15 a month which increased to £17.25 and now to £18 which prices I never agreed to at the start especially considering I do not get any signal or service, I've