
SIM not in phone

Userlevel 1

Hi All

I’m using my ID mobile SIM in a motorhome router not a phone.  I’ve tried to register an account but it wants to send me an 8 digit code to the phone number  - as it’s not in the phone I can’t receive the code and resister for an account 

Any way round this problem ?




Best answer by WelshPaul 19 June 2023, 09:43

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4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Most routers allow you to view SMS’s via the web interface, have you checked this? You need to enter the 8 digit code to register for an online account, no way around that.

Userlevel 1

Hi Paul - ta for the pointer. I’ll have a look at the router screen and see if I can view. If not I’ll just have to an old phone and pop the SIM in 

cheers Dude

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @Ade O'Connor,

This is the best option as it saves taking the SIM out but failing that, you will need to take the SIM out and put it in a phone just to receive the code and register.

Hopefully in a future update we can send the code to email



Userlevel 1

Thanks Mo - I think that sounds like the simplest fix 


