
new plan but staying with ID?

  • 30 July 2023
  • 1 reply



I’ve recently finished a contract with ID so I’d like to get a new phone and contract. However, the upgrade options are more expensive and not really what I’m looking for, so I’d like to start a new monthly plan but keep my current number. From what I can see, it’s not possible to use a PAC code to transfer numbers within the same provider. The new phone/contract I’d like to purchase uses the same size SIM card (iPhone SE to iPhone 11). Could I just put my current SIM card in the new phone and my number would be the same? Or would this not work because the contract plan is tied to the SIM card? Any help would be appreciated! 



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @AliSomer,

Welcome to the Community!

Unfortunately you can’t move your number from one account to another.

If you don’t wish to upgrade and keep the same number you would need to look at porting your old number to a different network (pay as you go SIM). Once the number has ported to the new network you can obtain a PAC code from them and port your number into the new iD Mobile account.


