
sim card not available

Userlevel 1

I’ve got an error on my phone saying that there is no SIM card, ive tried restarting the phone, putting it in to airplane mode and have tried putting the sim in a different phone but it didn’t work in that one either. 

this is the third time it’s happened today, the other time it fixed itself after I restarted the phone, but I’ve done everything multiple times now and it’s still not working. 

please could someone advise? 


Best answer by JulesEatwell 5 June 2023, 14:15

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3 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

If the SIM doesn’t work in two or more different handsets, sounds like you need a replacement iD SIM card @JulesEatwell.

Get a replacement in-store from any branch of Currys, or use the online live chat to ask for a replacement iD SIM.


Userlevel 1

Thanks, all sorted now after to chatting to some on the live chat 😊

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Thanks for confirming that, glad to hear you got it sorted.


