
roaming data stopped working - italy

Userlevel 1

It stopped working this afternoon after three days here. I have not anywhere near reached my data limit.


Best answer by Kash 18 July 2023, 10:53

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Userlevel 1

I am in Italy and mine has just done the exact same thing, I've been here since Monday was working OK till today 🤔

Userlevel 7
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Hi @CJREEVE @Markw81,

Welcome to the Community!

We were aware of an issue with roaming but this has since been fixed.

Can you please advise if your services are now working and get back to us if you still have any issues.



I am

n having the same issue in France. Any help!

Userlevel 5
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Hey @Craig Manton,

Based on the above, can you confirm you’re in France and that roaming was working fine but has suddenly stopped working? Or have you not had any working services?



My roaming hasn’t worked at all since I arrived in France. 

my wife is also with ID and hers works fine. Settings are identical on both iPhone 11 Pro max’s. There is no ANP option on our phones to change. 

Any assistance would be appreciated. One of the main reasons e we went to ID was the roaming, and I am not able to do so!?

From what I can see, I can’t see my ANP settings due to a restriction from iD mobile. Can this be changed at all?

Userlevel 7
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@Craig Manton,

What handset does your wife have?

Do you have the most up to date software.

you can view your APN settings in one of the following locations:

  • Settings > Mobile > Mobile Data Network
  • Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network




Like I mentioned, there is no option for ANP settings. And it appears that that is due to my network provider. 

My wife has the same phone and also has no ANP settings option. But luckily for her her phone worked. 

This is almost a week now without any roaming. ☹️


 Is there another way of doing it?


i also have the most up to date software - 16.6

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Craig Manton 


Are you able to try resetting network settings?


Have you tried connecting manually to other networks?



Yep, tried all available networks and only reset option left is to fully reboot the phone, which I don’t want to do. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @Craig Manton,

Reading this it’s still unclear whether the issue is impacting all roaming services, so the inability to call, text and use data

or if the issue is just data that’s impacted?

The reason I ask is you’ve mentioned APN settings a few times.


If the issue is all services, then this is likely that you have not got Roaming turned ON in the iD app/account.

You need to do this in order to access roaming.


If you can make calls and texts fine, so showing as connected to a network okay, but just cannot use data, then check Data Roaming is turned ON in the phone.

If that is on and it’s still just data not working, then definitely, it’s down to APN settings causing the issue.


It’s important we understand where the issue lies so we can give the correct advice.

Try your SIM in her phone and her SIM in your phone also and let us know what happens.





Userlevel 8
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I’m guessing the APN setting has been mentioned several times, because iD Mobile don’t provide an option to edit the mobile data APN settings on iPhone @Mohammed

On other UK networks you see these iPhone options: 

Above APN is for SMARTY, but the point is it can edited from the iPhone Settings app.

It appears to be an issue with some of the iD roaming partners, which don’t always seem to recognise iD Mobile (perhaps because there’re an MVNO), and use the APN settings for Three UK instead. 

I thought I had mentioned this a few times, sorry if I haven't. 


I can make and receive calls and texts. But no internet at all unless I connect to WiFi when out, hence delayed responses. 


Tried in another phone and exactly the same. 


Is there anyway of getting the APN settings changed? Or am I consigned to no internet for the trip? 9 days without so far...

Userlevel 5
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Hello @Craig Manton,

Thanks for clarifying that.

That confirms my suspicions so it is down to APNs that’s impacting this assuming that you have switched on Data Roaming? (as it’s not been confirmed above).

If the SIM was tried in your partner’s phone and it didn’t work that’s a little odd as you advised her phone has been working fine so your SIM on the same network should work without issue.

I do have a method that some users advised seems to work for manually accesing the APNs.

Please try connecting the phone to WiFi and then open Safari and head to

(this website allows you to manually update APNs where the APN settings can’t automatically be updated or done via the phone settings).


Tap Create APN (on the website)
Change the Country to UK
Find iD in the list
Scroll down and tap Create APN
Tap  Allow on the pop-up then Install in the top right corner.


Then restart and make sure Data Roaming is turned on and test.


Refer to this video if you get stuck: 




Userlevel 8
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What a pity iD Mobile can’t or won’t provide access to the required option for this in the Settings app on iPhone devices.

On those UK networks that provide access to this setting, it’s reached from: 

Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Network

This is where you’ll find APN setting under “MOBILE DATA”, which can be edited by the handset user. 

The above is for SMARTY, who also use the Three UK mobile network for their services. 

Thank you @Mohammed !!


That has worked!

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @Craig Manton,

Glad to hear that it is working.

If you require further assistance please let us know.



Hello Kash, I am in Belgium next door to France and arrived last night. No data roaming and no possibility in iPhone settings to add/see APN details. I followed the above post, checked the YotUbe video, went to the New Zealand website, chose UK > ID , ‘Allowed’ the conguration profile then see a pop-up ‘Review this profile in the Settings app if you want to install it’. I restart the phone as Mohamed said, but nothing different and no data and no way to check the APN and add.confirm the UK setting required ofr data roaming in the EY.  iPhone SE 2020 latest IOS 16.6. Regards Chris

Userlevel 8
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Hello Kash, I am in Belgium next door to France and arrived last night. No data roaming and no possibility in iPhone settings to add/see APN details. I followed the above post, checked the YotUbe video, went to the New Zealand website, chose UK > ID , ‘Allowed’ the conguration profile then see a pop-up ‘Review this profile in the Settings app if you want to install it’. I restart the phone as Mohamed said, but nothing different and no data and no way to check the APN and add.confirm the UK setting required ofr data roaming in the EY.  iPhone SE 2020 latest IOS 16.6. Regards Chris

I think @Mohammed might have said the method appeared to work for some iD users, who were roaming with an iPhone.

Unfortunately, seems like iD haven’t allowed the option to edit mobile data APN settings on iPhone for some reason. A issue made worse by some of their EU roaming partners apparently not recognising MVNO iD Mobile, and instead using APN settings for MNO Three UK.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Chris R 


We’re aware of some iPhone users who are unable to access APN settings, we’re troubleshooting and raising this on our side so that APN settings can be accessed again soon, sorry for any inconvenience caused.



I’ve just arrived in Italy and was pleased to find this work around. I think calling it a solution is way too strong. Goodness knows what I just installed on my phone taking a profile from a site of unknown security.  ID mobile should treat this as a top priority issue and remove any recommendation to install things that could potentially compromise a phones security. 

Userlevel 8
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I’ve just arrived in Italy and was pleased to find this work around. I think calling it a solution is way too strong. Goodness knows what I just installed on my phone taking a profile from a site of unknown security.  ID mobile should treat this as a top priority issue and remove any recommendation to install things that could potentially compromise a phones security. 

Really seems like a kludge @Klumper - unfortunately iD Mobile won’t allow a user to edit the APN settings on an iPhone. This can be an issue when some iD Mobile EU roaming partners apparently use Three UK APN settings, when you’re try to use roaming mobile data. 

I’ve just arrived in Italy and was pleased to find this work around. I think calling it a solution is way too strong. Goodness knows what I just installed on my phone taking a profile from a site of unknown security.  ID mobile should treat this as a top priority issue and remove any recommendation to install things that could potentially compromise a phones security. 

Really seems like a kludge @Klumper - unfortunately iD Mobile won’t allow a user to edit the APN settings on an iPhone. This can be an issue when some iD Mobile EU roaming partners apparently use Three UK APN settings, when you’re try to use roaming mobile data. 

If many other operators allow you to edit  the APN it’s clearly not impossible for ID mobile to fix it. Or to provide the profile OTA

Userlevel 8
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If many other operators allow you to edit  the APN it’s clearly not impossible for ID mobile to fix it. Or to provide the profile OTA

Indeed @Klumper - @Tom of iD has said iD are aware of this issue affecting some iPhone users. 

The APN settings are accessible on iPhone with other UK service providers - go figure?


I’m currently in Italy my roaming data was working fine and now stopped after 3 days was this issue ever resolved