
Registration Issues

  • 10 July 2023
  • 2 replies

Received my pay monthly SIM today and have attempted to register.


Filled all details in (including security code) and when I clicked submit it briefly showed an error (some red writing at top of screen) then it just goes blank.

If I try to do the registration process again it says the details already exist but when I try to log in it says that they don't 🤣

Please can someone shed some light on this as it blooming frustrating. Not a great start to my iD journey.

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2 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Okay @tangerine1953, if I was in your position I’d try contacting iD customer service privately using iD online live chat, or Facebook Messenger, or Twitter DM. 

The support teams work until 8pm weekdays.


Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @tangerine1953,

What does the error message say? 

Can you screenshot this and blank any personal info?
