

Userlevel 1

My phone can't receive text messages from anyone. I just realised it's actually not working today but it's not been working for a few days now I think about it. I read online and the 3 network is sill up right now so I'm not sure what the issue. I restarted my phone also but no success. Does anyone know what to do or is this happening to anyone else. I've been with ID for 3 - 4 years now and never had an issue 

11 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Have you checked for network faults at your location @Yousif Saleem?

Do this online at

Userlevel 1

Hey @andewhite i have checked this website and everything seems perfect, i forgot to say my phone calls are working fine and i can recieve calls. its just messages that dont want to work.

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Okay @Yousif Saleem, you can send text messages, but can’t receive text messages? 

Userlevel 1

@andewhite yeah thats right, other people get my messages but i cant get theirs for some reason. i havent blocked anyone and i dont remember changing any settings or anything, it was really quite random tbh

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

This can happen if you port your number to iD, after starting to use the iD SIM card you initially received - but, you said you’ve been with iD for 3-4 years.

Have you changed handsets recently?
Are you using an Android device or an iPhone?



Userlevel 1

@andewhite  no i havent for a long time , i use an android. a one plus 7t pro if that helps. also i really appreciate the replies


Userlevel 1

i first realised it wasnt working when i tried to get a otp at the bank but it wasnt coming through. but i remembered id been messaging my friend the day before and he wasnt replying and i later found out on whatsapp he had been replying but i wasnt receiving anything

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Has your handset had an Android update, or Android security update recently - either might be the cause this issue? 

Does your Android Messages app have a “Chat features” option? 
If yes, you could try turning OFF the “Chat features” option.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Yousif Saleem,

Welcome to the Community!

Did you manage to check the options that @andewhite provided?

Please let us know how you get on and we can assist further.



Userlevel 1

Hi! @Kash @andewhite thankyou very much for all the help. Happy to say it just resolved itself after I restarted it about 8 times. Idk why but it works now and im not asking questions I'm just gonna run with it. Again thankyou for all the help I appreciate it very much! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Yousif Saleem,

Glad to hear that it has been resolved.

@andewhite thanks for your help with this one.


