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We’re running a great competition to help make your Christmas 🎄 the best one yet. And the best bit? We’ve got three prizes to give away – that means three chances to win!

Win a Nintendo Switch Lite with Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe

All board-gamed out? The Nintendo Switch Lite is the ultimate on-the-go console. Super lightweight and able to connect with other Switch consoles, it’s perfect for the long journey home and keeping the kids happy. And with another addictive Mario adventure included, the kids may need to fight you for a turn.

Win 1 of 2 all-new Amazon Fire 7 Tablets

Get stuck into family Christmas flicks and keeping everyone entertained with this gorgeous tablet. Tuning into your festive playlist is as easy as saying “Alexa, play Last Christmas by Wham”.

How to enter

All you need to do is comment below this post and tell us “What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?”. Just make sure your logged in first. It couldn’t be easier!

Good luck!

T&C’s apply

Definitely spending time with family and friends. Also bringing in the new year.

My ideal Christmas is spending Christmas Day filling your self with fabulous food and the odd drink, then falling asleep in front of a roaring fire and the TV.

Children make Christmas, they are the best thing about Christmas. The excitement in their faces when they wake up Christmas morning and when they see presents around the tree and the the Christmas dinner is the next best thing with family.


Having family and friends together, and the day off work.

Time off food and drink.

We’re running a great competition to help make your Christmas 🎄 the best one yet. And the best bit? We’ve got three prizes to give away – that means three chances to win!

Win a Nintendo Switch Lite with Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe

All board-gamed out? The Nintendo Switch Lite is the ultimate on-the-go console. Super lightweight and able to connect with other Switch consoles, it’s perfect for the long journey home and keeping the kids happy. And with another addictive Mario adventure included, the kids may need to fight you for a turn.

Win 1 of 2 all-new Amazon Fire 7 Tablets

Get stuck into family Christmas flicks and keeping everyone entertained with this gorgeous tablet. Tuning into your festive playlist is as easy as saying “Alexa, play Last Christmas by Wham”.

How to enter

All you need to do is comment below this post and tell us “What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?”. Just make sure your logged in first. It couldn’t be easier!

Good luck!

T&C’s apply

My favourite thing about Christmas is spending time with our children and grandchildren,  corny but true!

It reminds me that Jesus came as Son of God but also Son of Woman, Wow! Jesus is the Christ in Christmas. What a present!!

Spending time with my lovely family ❤️

I love Christmas with my family the best thing about Christmas is spending it with them.

What I love is having our big family Christmas dinner, watching the children opening the presents to ooohs and aahs and whoops of delight, on that note I would love to win the Nintendo switch for my 2 youngest grandsons for Christmas as I will be an awesome nanna for winning it if I was that lucky.  May I wish you all at ID mobile a Merry Christmas and a good New Year.

My favourite thing about Christmas is…

Having to listen to all those Christmas carols the day after Remembrance Day, oh and

Having to go out and buy all those xmas cards for people you never speak to, oh and

Buying and having to cook a turkey big enough to feed the whole street, oh and

Having to buy gifts that people wont even use, oh and

The opportunity to spend money you don’t have, oh and

The Elf on a Shelf? Whats that about?, oh and

Christmas sweaters, oh and

Overeating and over drinking, oh and ...etc etc….

But my real Favourite Thing is.. seeing the faces on my grandkids on Christmas morning and thinking, Yep, it was all worth it!

My favourite thing about Christmas! Boxing Day. A whole year before it comes round again. :santa:  A Happy Bah Humbug to you all :grin:

The best think in Christmas is to spend some quality time with your family and enjoy eating,chatting ,drinking seating by the fire

I just love seeing everybody so happy and enjoying themselves. Cheers, Graham

Seeing everyone enjoy themselves.🎅

My daughters have taken over this time of the year - it’s all about them now! Time off work, spending time with them is what I enjoy the most about this time of the year. :)

I love spending it altogether, the excitement of the kids as the Christmas day gets closer and evenings snuggled on the sofa watching Christmas films. 

We only got to have 2 Christmas’s with our 1st this Christmas is precious as we celebrate with our 2nd son and look forward to Santa coming again...

My favourite thing is all the bling. 

spending it with the family ,its been a hard year.:sweat_smile:

Watching Granddaughter who still believes in Santa


I love to buy gifts decorating the tree getting the children to behave of Santa wont come getting up at 4 am with over excited  children making the food with the family playing party games and just having fun 

The chance to see the family and over indulging :sweet_potato::champagne_glass:

Family Xmas dinner and presents and my Xmas sherry ( only drink it at Xmas!). Also Boxing day party buffet.