How to take perfect festive photos on your phone

  • 30 November 2023
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How to take perfect festive photos on your phone
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Whether it’s get togethers of family or friends, a city break away or festive markets, the Christmas period is a great time to take pictures. And with smartphone cameras becoming more advanced, taking stunning photos has never been easier.

So here are some simple yet winning tips to make sure your festive photos sparkle and shine. Snappy Christmas!

1. Find the right lighting

Good lighting is the fundamental to any great photo. During the festive season, try and use natural light whenever possible, because you’ll always get the best pics. If there’s even a dusting of snow, make the most of it – since snowfall will give you even more light to work with and look awesome.

But we all know that the winter is all about dark nights and bright lights. Fortunately, most phones now have a Night Mode for low-light conditions. A mixture of clever AI and greater exposure can make gatherings or Christmas markets sparkle.

If your phone doesn’t have a low-light mode, try to take pictures where the light’s good and don’t overuse the flash – because that can lead to washed out pictures that don’t capture the moment.

2. Take aim and frame

Before you take your pic, take a moment to frame your shot. Start with the rule of thirds – mentally divide your frame into thirds both vertically and horizontally and make sure the people or things you want to capture are along these lines or at the spot where two lines meet.

If this sounds like way too much to remember, you don’t have to. Both Android and iPhones have a grid overlay you can apply so that you’ll always have a guide. So, experiment with different angles and perspectives to add depth and make your festive snaps pop. Don't be afraid to get creative!

3. Make the most of those festive details

Whether it’s decorations, wrapped up gifts or ornaments on a tree, it’s the little festive details that make the season special. Close-up shots of these things give you spice and variety to your photo albums, as well as really capturing the time of year.

Heading out to a Winter Wonderland, festive market or skating rink and you should get lots of perfect photo opps.

4. Capture those aww moments

Some of the most heart-warming and best photos come from capturing those genuine moments. Cheesy snaps of everyone in a pose are always fun, but the most memorable pics are always the most real: snap them when they're engaged in conversation, sharing a laugh or simply enjoying the festive atmosphere.

These candid shots often really capture the festive fun best. Just make sure you show them your work before sharing. Everybody wants to make sure it’s their best side!

5. Use Portrait Mode

Most modern smartphones have a portrait mode feature that keeps the person in focus while blurring the background, creating a beautiful depth-of-field effect. This is great for highlighting subjects – whether it's a person, a pet or a beautifully wrapped gift. They also tend to look very flattering!

6. Use editing apps

Once you have your pictures, make them even better with editing apps. And you don’t need to be a Photoshop pro either. Most modern phones will have options to adjust brightness, contrast, colours, and apply filters to give your photos that extra festive sparkle. And you can try out third party apps for more options or to even make your action pics a GIF!

Play around with these tools, but remember, less is often more when it comes to editing.

7. Keep your lens clean

It might seem simple, but a clean lens can make a world of difference in the quality of your photos. Our phones are often in our pockets or bags, gathering smudges and fingerprints on the camera lens. And that’s not even considering the sticky fingers from festive food. Before taking those snaps, give your phone's lens a gentle wipe with a soft cloth to ensure crystal-clear photos. They’ll never look their best otherwise.


Are you a bit of phone photo pro? Any top tips for taking top shots? Let the Community know below.

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