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Win one of two Special Edition Fitbit Versa 2s with Amazon Alexa!

If your resolution this year is to keep fit, you’ll love this incredible fitness tracker. Take it for a swim with up to 50m water resistance, get accurate health data with the built-in heart rate monitor and ask Alexa to play your favourite workout tracks.

How to enter
All you need to do is comment below this post and tell us “What’s your new year’s resolution?”. Just make sure you logged in first. It couldn’t be easier!
Good luck!

T&C’s apply

My New Years resolution has been to engage more with the people around me (and to run a sub 27 minute 5K)...6 days down, 349 to go! 

I started my workout and hoping to continue it longer and stay fit.

My New Year's resolution is to keep up the momentum of positive changes to my life. Been tracking my diet better and going to the gym consistently for the last 6 months, lost about 7kg in weight and I'm lifting higher weights (can now deadlift 1 1/2 times my bodyweight). I'm getting out more to social events nand generally feeling healthier mentally and physically. 😊

To keep fit and healthy

Getting fitter is top priority with aim to do 1/2 marathon towards end of year, other resolutions drink less alcohol, eat healthier, be more organised and spend more time with family

My New Years resolution is to lose weight and slim down so that I don’t have to constantly worry about which clothing stores I can shop from and not constantly look for 3XL tshirts!

My resolution is to do at least 13,000 steps a day and get a little fitter and slimmer.

One of my goals for the year is to restart singing lessons and hopefully perform at some point too!

2020 looks like an awesome year.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to help many who deserve better and I want/plan to do so much more.

From my sports charity work with disadvantaged young (and not so young) amazing local people (brilliant!!!), to our coffee social enterprise supporting the street and abandoned kids in the Philippines (amazing!!), to mentoring & counselling in schools (inspiring!!).

Just hope this old body of mine is up for it!!

Most of 2019 was a dreadful year workwise as a result of which my weight has rocketted.  Am determined to get fit this year.  I have started a new job,  and zumba classes at the end of last year (thought I was going to die on my first one but have stuck with it!!!) and have gone on a diet- have already lost a couple of pounds so doing well.  Fitbit would really spur me on to a new healthy life


Cut down on foods that are bad for me and exercise more. I’m never going to be skinny, but I’d like to at least lose a bit of weight to feel healthier. 

I am hoping to move house this year, so my resolution was to clear out my stuff in my current home so that it doesn’t all come with me to my new place! 

My new resolution is to focus more on the positive side of people not the negative. Accept the good and bad this will make me a better person in myself.

My resolution was to not make any resolutions, but to change my mindset to “intentions”.

My resolution is to run a 5k parkrun this year in a faster time than my previous parkrun 3 years ago. At 68 years of age I might be pushing it a bit.

My resolution (which I actually started in the middle of December, and have stuck with it so far!) is to be active every day - either a gym class, swimming or a 30 minute walk. On days I walk to work, I have no issues staying active, but on days when I drive to other sites or over the weekend, I can easily do less than 1000 steps total in a day. I suffer quite badly with the winter blues, and have found that exercise, particularly outside, really helps. I’m doing this for the mental health boost rather than a physical health and so far it’s making a substantial difference!

To learn the guitar and pray more

Win one of two Special Edition Fitbit Versa 2s with Amazon Alexa!

If your resolution this year is to keep fit, you’ll love this incredible fitness tracker. Take it for a swim with up to 50m water resistance, get accurate health data with the built-in heart rate monitor and ask Alexa to play your favourite workout tracks.

How to enter
All you need to do is comment below this post and tell us “What’s your new year’s resolution?”. Just make sure you logged in first. It couldn’t be easier!
Good luck!

T&C’s apply

I have my first 100km ultra challengecin June and really want to hone my training.

Much less drinking and saving up for our wedding 

If anything I need. To lose a few pounds, had a week all inclusive just before Christmas and most of my clothes are now very tight. So I guess I'll have to stop eating junk in the evenings and exercise more. 

NY resolution: Eat better for sure

My resolution for this year is to get out and fly my model planes more often, being out in the countryside fresh air is great and I get exercise as well as the satisfaction of a successful flight. A Fitbit Versa would tell me just how much exercise I’ve done!

My New Year’s Resolution is to never make New Year’s resolutions...and to be kind to humans and animals :relaxed::tiger:

My resolutions are to get my fitness back to where I was pre-injury and run a couple of 10k’s or a half. I also want to reduce my carbon footprint and eat less meat. Continue my volunteering work and spend the time with my kids in as positive a way as possible!

I used to do calisthenics but haven’t been exercising for a while. My new years resolution is to start this again and to work towards a press to handstand. That isn’t going to be easy!!!