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Welcome to the May competition! The High St might be shut, but that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to some of the latest tech online!


What’s the prize?

This month we are giving away two £50 Currys PC World vouchers to use on the website for two lucky winners! Fancy starting or adding to a smart home setup? Been looking for that new TV or sound system to bring the cinema to your living room? Or maybe you are looking to treat your kitchen to some shiny new appliances.


How to enter

For a chance to win, all you need to do is tell us ‘What is your most used home appliance is and why you’d want to upgrade it


Make sure you post your answer in the comments below. Don’t miss out! The competition ends at midnight on Sunday 10th May, and we’ll reveal the lucky winner shortly after.


Best of luck and we hope you have a great month!


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Got to be my mini I pad it gives me my daily newspaper ,zoom chats with the kids, A Monday night distance chat with my mates, picture memories news from the BBC ,and a chance to show off the garden to friends and help an old man create a picture diary of what plants are where but like me it’s not as young as it used to be and can’t be far off going to the I pad cemet

My fridge freezer! It’s at least 20 years old and I got it as a swap for a laptop from my cousin. I’m amazed it’s still going, maybe one day I’ll wake up to a load of cheesy milk and defrosted ready meals 😬

My most commonly used tech item is my laptop. Now working full time from home and I've realised how out of date and slow it is. I feel I'm working g very inefficiently and, as a key worker, thus isn't good. So if I won I would put the voucher towards an upgrade. Thank you 

The most used appliance at the moment (Apr 2020) is my water kettle. Need to get it upgraded to smart one if there is any.

My Nespresso coffee machine. :coffee: I love it! :heart_eyes:  But it’s not particularly environmentally friendly using pods. :rolling_eyes: I’d love to upgrade to a bean-to-cup. :drooling_face: That would be amazing! :grin:

My most used appliance is my oven.

During this lockdown I've been doing a lot of baking so a new oven would be great

My most used appliance is my mixer. I'm flat out baking and my mixer is on its last legs so a new one would be great to keep me baking & fattening up my family during lockdown 

My most used home appliance would be the TV; I would like to get it upgraded in order to experience the beauty of 4K and higher frame rates on games and greater resolution on movies. Gaming on 4K would be glorious in sight - heavenly pixels engulfing my eyes with majestic colour contrast, HDR terraforming worlds and settlements. All in all, visual pleasure. 

Most used appliance is probably my kettle and followed closely by my George Foreman grill. Both would be great to uograde!

I’d love a toaster! My wife makes me use the grill. I regularly burn the toast. I need a toaster. 

Well now… what a lovely opportunity to up my performance levels. Since the start of our new normal, I have used the time wisely to follow an old dream of mine. For years I have wanted to educate my local community of Skemsdaile on the virtues of sensible food uses. For the past 3 wonderful years, I’ve been a chef volunteer for the Birchwood ‘Junk food waste program’ cooking up a storm from intercepted food destined for the bin and then donating it to the local comunity in a ‘pay as you feel cafe … So when the pandemic came to town and we had to close the cafe, my friends and Birchwood collages set up a food hamper delivery service.  

I also started posting a 21-day meditation as well as writing a daily audiobook story, something I’ve always wanted to do… and at long last, I have started shooting food waste videos… it is early days in my project, but could really do with some decent sound recording equipment, Decent wireless microphones and an up to date laptop, as i have decided to take our education service to a new level… we want to start running a school food, waste, and general fitness program… I managed to film a low budget pilot in Lathom high school, (pleas find the link below)… Thanks for the possibility… Ian :)


My most used appliance is my Laptop. Since lock-down has prevented working in the office, I’m working from home on my old laptop. I’d want to upgrade it so that opening a file or web browser doesn’t take about 10 minutes each time!

I tend to get more use out of my laptop than anything else, especially since it was linked with my mobile telephone and ID-Mobile account.  I am most definitely ready to replace it as I need MASfiles.SES more hard disk space for my work and leisure 

My kettle, it’s constantly on the go, I’d like to upgrade it for a more modern design.

OK, so now that I have been informed that my first answer was wrong, I will try and atone with a correct/more suitable answer. I am torn between two. A new food mixer would be heaven, as I keep getting splinters off my old wooden spoon. Also a new washing machine would be fab, as the rollers on my old mangle tub are that old and worn, the gap between then them is too big to squeeze out the clothes properly😁

The most used appliance this period is my TV. Watching my favourite series and movies having a little escape from the routine and enjoying with all family.Unfortunately is not a new one and an upgrade would be fantastic!


It would be my TV and it needs updating or upgrading as it's over 10 years old. It's served me well but in TV years it's well passed its sell by date.

I'm not being 'ironic' but I would like less wrinkles.  Although I can't do much about my face, a powerful new steam iron for crease free clothes would be ace!

Most used appliance in this house must be our old iPad ( 2nd feneration. Now more and more apps not applicable. 

Difficult to prioritise but washing machine as won’t have one once lockdown has ended ... 

£50 off a new laptop would be nice as mine has finally given up on me and online shopping is not great on a smartphone. 

My most used appliance is my oven and hob. I seem to be forever cooking and baking.  I desperately need a new one as I’ve had this since I moved in here 23 years ago, and it’s faulty. every time i switch it on it trips the fuse box.  (Which doesn’t go down well when family are playing online games or talking to their GF’s on skype!) One of the rings stopped working years ago too.   I do all my washing up by hand, but can not live without the cooker! 

My fridge freezer. The seal along the top is coming away. There is always a pool of water on the top shelf and a bit of mould in some places 😬 Not good so once the lockdown is relaxed, we need to get ourselves to Currys for a brand new one. High time!

My most used appliance is my electric kettle. It is getting on a bit and is noisy when heating. Perhaps a swish new model would be less intrusive when others are watching TV.

Our kitchen sink isn't an appliance yet but I would love to upgrade it to a dishwasher!! Standing there washing up the dishes is the worst chore I think so I'd be a very happy bunny to be able to put a dishwasher in. 🤞🤞