
Unleash the fun of Animojis and Memojis

  • 9 November 2018
  • 1 reply
Unleash the fun of Animojis and Memojis
Userlevel 8
Let’s play, iPhone X and iPhone Xs owners. Animating yourself with the Animoji and Memoji feature is a lot of fun, and is sure to impress your friends. It’s really easy too, as you’re about to see.

Let’s get animated

Thanks to the amazing front-facing TrueDepth camera on your iPhone X or Xs, you can animate Apple’s emoji characters with your own facial expressions and create fun video messages up to 30 seconds. If you’ve ever fancied being a cute pooch, cheeky monkey or oh-so-spooky ghost, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. You can also add some audio to the mix while your chosen emoji follows your facial movements to a tee.

Fancy creating something that’s a little more, well, you? Then go for a Memoji, the super fun feature that gives you the tools to create yourself as an emoji. Yep, you can finally see yourself as an awesome cartoon-style avatar! We’ve tried it out for ourselves and the result is hours of fun.

Memojis and Animojis are really easy to create. Just open up a conversation on Messages, tap the Animoji button (that’s the little yelling monkey) and you’ll see a whole host of characters to choose from. Then tap record the record button and you have 30 seconds to bring your alter ego to life!

But wait, there’s more…

Sure, sending messages is all well and good – but we have a feeling you’re going to want to take your new love of Animoji and Memoji even further. Here are some game-changing things you can do with your new animated buddies...

Did someone say karaoke?
Think of your go-to karaoke classic. Got it? Okay - now imagine it being belted out by a rowdy rabbit or better yet, a sassy skeleton. If this is the kind of thing you need in your life, it’s pretty easy to do.

All you need to do is find a karaoke version of your chosen track on YouTube - then sing your face off using Animoji. A fan of the original? Just lip-sync along and have a little fun with Snoop Dog the actual dog or Lion-el Richie. Need some inspiration? Check out this Animoji Karaoke gem:

Animoji movie magic
People have even been taking the Animoji craze to blockbuster levels by uploading various movie scenes recreated with talking emojis.

Hilarious clips see Russell Crowe’s character from Gladiator turn into a chicken, and Al Pacino’s Tony Montana character from Scarface become an aggressive animated monkey. Check this out:

If you’d like to explore wonderful the world of Animojis and Memojis for yourself, you can order the incredible iPhone Xs from iD Mobile right now.

Have you experienced the joys of Animoji and Memoji yet? Which is your fave? Be as expressive as you want in the comments below.

1 reply

Userlevel 4
I'm so jealous! A few friends have iPhone X's and I've played with the new emojis, and I have to say I'd be tempted to buy one purely for Memojis!



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