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website issue

  • 8 August 2024
  • 6 replies

I’m referring a friend and they are purchasing a new Samsung phone on the website. After they have added pac details and clicks continue to the direct debit it says the server returned a 500 server internal server error. Can you please fix the website. Thanks 

I am experiencing the same.  I am attempting to swap to ID mobile but keep getting error message 'server returned a 500 internal server error'

Hi @Sam99har 


Are you both still having this issue? We aren’t aware of any website issues such as this being widespread, have you tried your refer a friend link(s) on a different device or browser?



Was both Tom, managed it in the end when we took the trade in off the basket. Might be a fault when adding a trade in. 

Hi @Sam99har,

Thanks for getting back to us and confirming.

@Gail Hodgson just checking how you are getting on?




Hi. I am also having this issue today. Tried getting a new monthly plan on your website at work and at home.

Hey there @KWhite85, welcome to Community!


Have you tried the following?


  1. Tried different browsers
  2. Tried clearing cache/cookies on the browser
  3. Tried the browsers in incognito mode
  4. Tried on a different device(s)
  5. Tried a different bank card


Thank you,

