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My number has apparently been ported from EE last tuesday. My calls and texts all working fine except amazon and apple couldn’t call me most importanly can’t  receive OTP codes so 2 step verification code is not available and i can’t activate Facetime or iMessage Continually getting the message “An error occurred during activation. Try again”. It has been doing this for about 6days hours now.

I can sign into iMessage via my Apple ID and send a message that way, so I know iMessage works. People are just receiving messages from my email address rather than my phone number, so at least I know iMessage works in that respect. It just won’t activate for my phone number now, which I need it to.

Steps I have tried (basically everything that an internet search suggests):

  • I have tried switching off and on iMessage and Facetime several times.
  • I have reset my network settings on my phone a few times.
  • I have tried another SIM in the phone. It activates fine.
  • I have restarted the phone several times.
  • I have contacted Apple and they have said that everything checks out on their side. They said the issue has to be with ID. They suggested it might be a porting issue or a problem with the IMEI on the ID mobile server side not matching the IMEI on my phone.
  • I contacted ID and they have said there is nothing they can do, 

is this a nightmare when a provider’s tech team says we don’t know what to do?


please help!!!!!!!!!!

I had a similar problem when I installed a new SIM in an iphone that had previously worked perfectly with OTP/ 2 factor authorisation. The solution was to delete the affected App(s) from the iphone and download them again, that resulted in the security process from my Bank being initiated again. No problem with OTP etc since.

Okay @solo1, how many iPhones have you had? 

Did you get a new iPhone when you joined iD?

Have you tried the following?

  1. Sign out via the option Settings > Apple ID > Sign Out 
  2. Turn OFF your iPhone, for at least 20 minutes
  3. Turn ON your iPhone
  4. Sign-in using your Apple ID

Hopefully the iMessage and FaceTime services will activate afterwards.

Anyway, good luck.


Hello I have the same issue and have tried every solution I can find … did you get this problem resolved. I’m losing the Will to live !

Okay @Julie Elizabeth Law,

Have you tried the following?

  1. Sign out via the option Settings > Apple ID > Sign Out 
  2. Turn OFF your iPhone, for at least 20 minutes
  3. Turn ON your iPhone
  4. Sign-in using your Apple ID

Yes I have … I contacted my supplier a few days ago and sorted it by resetting my apple password…. But on speaking to my bank about the otp issue they asked my to put my sim in another phone to check if it worked (it didn’t). When I put my sim back in my phone I have the messaging problem again. I have done everything I can find .. and reset my apply password 3 times but nothing is activating my number on iMessage 

Okay @Julie Elizabeth Law, what happens if you just turn OFF iMessage on your iD Mobile iPhone - stop using iMessage and see if the OTP messages come through.

With iMessage OFF, you’ll still be able to send and receive text messages - just they’ll be sent via the iD Mobile SMS service not as an iMessage.

Are you using the same AppleID with your iD Mobile iPhone you were using with your EE iPhone?

Are you using the same iPhone you had at EE?


Turned iMessage off still no OTP.. waiting for Santander tech to get back to me. Yes the same phone .. no probs  until I changed supplier 

And same Apple ID just changed password 

Okay @Julie Elizabeth Law

If I recall correctly, I had a similar iMessage activation issue after I upgraded from iPhone 7 to iPhone SE 2020, which I think I fixed as follows:

  1. Turn OFF iMessage & FaceTime.
  2. Sign-out from Apple ID on your iPhone.
  3. Turn OFF your iPhone.
  4. Go online and sign-in at
  5. Remove your iPhone device from your Apple ID account and sign-out.
  6. Sign-in at and check your iPhone device is not listed.
  7. Turn ON your iPhone and sign-in using your Apple ID.
  8. Turn ON iMessage & FaceTime if not already on.

Anyway, good luck.


Thanks I’ll try that later and let you know if successful

there was a problem with porting the number from your old provider to ID basically the porting was not complete so they need to redo it but don't only wait for that ask them to send you a new sim card that new Simcard solved my problem.

Thanks for sharing your suggestion @solo1 


@Julie Elizabeth Law  if you do still need help, we can PM you here to look into this further.
