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I have iPhone 11Pro.

Switched to iD from 3, bringing my number with me, and it went through after a couple of days except it’s proved impossible to change the temp number on my phone. It has half worked in that people can call or message me at my correct number but if I try and call or message anyone it only uses the temp number, so nobody recognizes it’s me. 

Any solutions?  I have tried everything I can find on the forum and am unable to contact a human.  Any ideas gratefully received!

Hey @Cordelia Ditton,

Sounds like a partial port here.

When you log into the iD app/account, what number shows?

Have you since been able to log this with us as we’ll need to get this raised to our Porting Team to resolve.

Let us know if you still need help and we can PM you here.



Hi  The number on my app is correct but the number on my iphone stays at the temporary number and it’s that which appears if I try to phone or text anyone. 

I have been trying to work with your Facebook page, but with no success.  Tried everything it suggested but then back to square one with ‘We’re escalating this to… Tech taem/Back office… come back in 2 days”. This has happened twice.  The second time was actually worse than the first as it offered advice to an android.

A my wit’s end really!

Hi @Cordelia Ditton 


Okay, I’d recommend keeping in contact with the social media team on Facebook, they have this raised to the tech team and will provide updates when and where they can.


We’d recommend trying the following if you haven’t already;


1) Turn off iMessage (Settings > Messages)
2) Restart your phone (by pressing and holding the on/off button)
3) Tap Settings > Phone > My Number and confirm that it is correct. 
4) If it is not correct, please enter the correct number
5) Turn iMessage back to On (Settings > Messages)
6) Finally, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and see if the correct number is displayed under "Start new conversations from:"

If you are having issues with the above please retry with flight mode enabled and/or the SIM card removed.



That didn’t work unfortunately.


Hi @Cordelia Ditton 


Thanks for trying, when you call out to someone, do they see the correct number on their side?


Have you spoken to Apple directly about this?



Hi Tom

Yes, I was advised to by the Facebook team and a lovely woman there went all through my phone, resetting everything - and it worked! So as of last night, I have a proper functioning phone with the right number.

Thanks for all your suggestions.


Hi Tom

Yes, I was advised to by the Facebook team and a lovely woman there went all through my phone, resetting everything - and it worked! So as of last night, I have a proper functioning phone with the right number.

Thanks for all your suggestions.


Hey @Cordelia Ditton,

Glad to hear that and thanks for letting us know.
