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Can someone please explain how I am supposed to sort out my new account and PAC transfer to iD Mobile when the ChatBot does not work as intended, there is noone to speak to and the online tools and app are simply not fit for purpose?

Every time but 1 when I have tried to use the online Chat, I am told that you are too busy and to try again later. The one time I did get to a queue I was told it would be 30 minutes, with messages appearing every few minutes to update the wait time. When it got down to 3 minutes I was just kicked out - no warning no explanation, just kicked out. Not a great customer experience for any customer, let alone a new customer who is growing increasingly angry and frustrated.

I’m only 24 hours in and I am seriously thinking about cancelling the contract as the level of support is frankly not good enough and all I want to do is PAC transfer my old number to iD Mobile.

Dont bother suggesting I do it online as neither the online tool or the mobile app work. Both are just as useless as the Chat tool with an error message along the lines of sorry, something went wrong please try again.

If I had known that there was nobody to actually speak to for resolving problems, I would never have chosen iD Mobile and would have stuck with one of the bigger companies. Its so bad you are actually making Virgin Media look good in comparrison!

I doubt this will be responded to so it looks like I will be spending the weekend trying to cancel my contract and going elsewhere as there is no support on offer here.


Unfortunately there isn’t a telephone helpline with iD Mobile. 
Perhaps that one of the reasons iD Mobile sell less expensive handset contracts/SIM plans.

Anyway, if the live chat doesn’t work @mwidge, you can ‘talk’ to iD privately on Facebook (Messenger), or Twitter (DM).

Someone in the social media customer care team should be able to assist you @mwidge
The team work 9am - 8pm on weekdays, and 9am - 6pm at weekends (and Bank Holidays).


@andewhite thanks for the info, but I don’t use Facebook Messenger and have never had a Twitter account so I guess I’m stuck!


Why not create a Twitter account? 
Shouldn’t take too long, and could save you a lot hassle.

@andewhite I appreciate the suggestion, but I should not have to create a Twitter account to be able to talk to a company I’ve entered into a contract with! 

If I can’t get anywhere over the weekend, then I will just cancel my contract.

Thanks for the help, it is appreciated.

Okay @mwidge
If you do decide to cancel, all the best because iD Mobile tell you to do this using live chat…



Hi @mwidge,

Welcome to the Community!

I can see that @andewhite has provided you with the information to get in touch and in regards to returning.

If you still need help with this please let us know and we will drop you a PM.

