
SIM only sign up failed without explanation

I am new to ID Mobile and have gone through the sign up process for a SIM only plan, twice. I completed all of the details without a problem, but at the end nothing happened and I was left on this page:

This page appears to take me back to the begining of the product choice / sign up process, and I havent received an email to say that my sign up has been unsucessful, or indeed any communication at all. I have tried to sign up twice; the first time being yesterday. So its not as if there was a credit check process going on that took a few hours to complete.

Suggestions please?



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2 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Seeing “beta” in the URL doesn’t sound promising @JohnE2.

It’s possible that iD Mobile require use of third party cookies when you checkout with your basket @JohnE2 - have you managed the cookies or accepted all cookies for the iD website?

Have you tried another device and/or web browser to purchase a SIM only plan from iD?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @JohnE2 


Have you received any emails from us about your order(s)?


Have you tried on a different browser or device?


It could also be worth calling the sales team on 0207 1391 397 to check the status of your order(s).

