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  • 27 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Anyone able to give some advice on what happens when your id mobile ac gets hacked?

rrecieved a msg yesterday about a pac code , which i hadnt asked for.By the time i managed to use live chat this morning to contact id,i had recieved another msg to say it was all going through.I told agent on live chat that this wasnt me and i didnt want to move to another provider.But inspite of this , my phone no longer  works as it seems  its no longer valid on id network.worse still ,had call from bank to say my ac had been frozen due to unusual activity, so ive got to in branch tommorrow and sort that say im stressed and  cheesed off is an understatement.not really sure id are taking this seriously ,as ive not heard back from them as yet.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hey @teddy66,

Looking at the system, it looks like you’ve been reconnected on a new plan.

