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My current balance is £9.52 as of today 23/07/2024.

I made a debit card payment of £10.10 on the 19/07/2024.


My direct debit isn't due until the 27/07/2024 , I was just getting AHEAD.

However the app was glitchy whilst making the payment it's showing on my bank but not on my ID account, what shall I do?

Hey @GraPow86,

Payments can take 2 to 24 hours to process. Has your issue now been resolved?


Fully resolved. ID didn't acknowledge the payment at all but it's just stopped "pending" after 7days and was returned to me after speaking to my bank.

How do I mark this as solved?

Hi @GraPow86 


Glad to hear that’s sorted, the answer has been marked, let us know if you need anything else.


