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i have been charged twice for my bill and c

I have been charged twice for my bill and cut off without notice while travelling. My service has not been turned on and I cannot contact any one, this is really upsetting.


how is a post to other ID user going to fix that?

Urgent Warning: Service Disruption by ID mobile.


I wanted to share a warning with you all regarding the service disruption I have experienced with ID mobile.


I have been charged twice for my bill, and cut off without notice while traveling, and my service has not been turned on despite being up to date on payments. I have not been given an available way to contact customer support while cut off from the service and directed to reach out to various charities for financial advice, which is really insulting and infuriating, since the problem was on ID mobiles end and not my fault.

I am currently unable to contact anyone for assistance, as although ID mobile gives you access to their app there is no way to access anyone for help or automated process to turn the service back on.

I can’t make phone calls I am directed to the ID mobile payment line that says you are up to date and cuts off. Even though it I am up to date and I should have service, so why would I be directed there.

If you have Wi-Fi you can maybe talk to chatbot that can’t do anything. The best advice is to reach out to a community of user for help… it’s been hours of being in desperate situation.


This situation has been extremely upsetting and frustrating. ID mobile should not cut off a service outside of the working week if they are unable to turn it back on.


Please be cautious when dealing with ID mobile and ensure that you have contingency plans in place, possible a spare sim card with a company that has a working system in place in case of service disruptions. If ID mobile cannot provide the service being paid for maybe close it down.


If anyone has advice on how to address this situation or has experienced similar issues, I would appreciate any guidance you can provide.


I managed to speak to an agent and they override the suspension and turned the service back o.


i hope this never happens again, very stressful and no help options for 19 hours-ish.


Live chat:*s6p92i*_ga*MTE2MDczMDQ3OS4xNzE2NTM3ODY4*_ga_XFK6G4B1Y7*MTcxNzkxNjcwMC41LjEuMTcxNzkxODA0MC40MS4wLjA.

Hey there @AndrewAskew, welcome to Community!


We’re very sorry to hear you had this issue with us, and we’re glad to hear all is sorted now.


Our sincere apologies once again.


Thank you,


The chatbot is really useless. I received a letter summarised the issue. Whoever wrote it did a bad job.


The issue was not that I didn’t pay my bill and my service was suspended and not reinstated after paying.


The issues was I changed my billing date. The payment should have been taken automatically by ID. I did not cancel payment, I was given no instructions i would have to re add my bank details when changing my billing date if that is the case, that is not usual practice. I was not informed my bill had not been paid. My service was cut off without warning. My phone being cut off was the fist I had heard of this. I was not informed may service would not be turned back on after paying my service was not turned on until 19 hours after paying. ID mobile will randomly cut you off without warning and not have the means to turn it back on.


Getting a letter saying ‘oops our bad, we let you down. We will refund you the day even though it’s monthly payment is not good enough.


I was away from my home with no data and no phone service as any number I rang when to an automated service to pay my bill, but as I had just say you are up to date and cuts off.

How is being linked to a community of other users out of hours when needing help who can’t do anything a company strategy in place.


Why is it such a difficult company to get in touch with in an emergency. Don’t cut off a service out of your working hours if you are unable to turn them back on.






This isn’t good enough:

We’re very sorry to hear you had this issue with us, and we’re glad to hear all is sorted now.

Our sincere apologies once again.

Thank you,



To my shock I received a notice my bill was not paid even though the app told me it had. I paid it immediately. My service still got cut off, by that time I was away from my home in a phone dependant situation. I had no data and no phone signal. No way to contact ID mobile. My bill was paid as soon as I was notified there was an issue, but I had no service for 19 hours in a phone dependant situation.


I should have been notified, my service should not have been cancelled. I should not have been prevented from contacted ID mobile to request help. My service should have been immediately turned on after payment.


This all was mid contract, I had data and minutes on my account I had paid for. I was paying for a service I was not given.

Hi @AndrewAskew 


I’m not sure what more you want from us here Andrew, you’ve been in contact with a team, sorted the issue, if you have any feedback we’d recommend feeding it back to the team you’re in contact with.


We here on the community side haven’t looked into your account or dealt with this further than what’s here. All we can say really is what @Tyler said above.



@Tom if you have nothing constructive to add why did you reply? I don’t want anything the issue is resolved.


ID mobile summarised incorrectly what happened. It’s was summarised in a way that implied that I didn’t pay my bill, my service was cut off and then I paid and my service was turned on.


That is not what happened. I changed my billing date, ID mobile told me I had made the payment, but ID mobile had actually failed to take my payment. Then with no warning I got a message saying my service was cut off. I immediately paid as I had not been aware of payment issue prior to this, and my service was still cut off for 20+ hours as I was out and stranded.


I could not contact anyone as my phone was cut off. When I tried to make calls I was directed to an ID mobile payment line that cut off as my payments were up to date… but I still had no service.


I was in a situation that relied on my phone and even though I was mid contract period and I had no outstanding payments, I had to travel to a venue they had free Wi-Fi. 

This was not an enjoyable experience and one ID mobile should not have allowed to happen, especially at the weekend if no one is available to resolve the issue.


I want good customer service, and the service I am paying for.

Hi @AndrewAskew,

Sorry to hear about all the issues that you experienced.

I would advise contacting the team you have been in contact with and they can look into the points that you have raised.

However if you would like us to PM you here and pass on any feedback, please let us know.




@Kash I tried to get help from ID mobile, as the issue ID mobile created was happening which is now resolved as I have previously said. I could not instead of helping me when I needed it, I was directed here to the community that in the moment has no ability to help me.


Now you as ID mobile representatives are commenting like you do not want me to comment here. I am not trying to you are all prolonging this thread.

If you don’t want people posting issues they are having in the community help people instead of directing them to this community.

Hi @AndrewAskew,

The quickest way to get help is via Live Chat and Social Media.

We are dealing with a high volume of contact and we are trying to respond to all customers as quickly as possible.

Posting issues or queries in the Community is very helpful as it helps other people in the future as there are topics and queries regarding everything.

If you every require assistance in the future we are here to help.

Sorry for any issues you experienced.



@Kash I wish you put in this much effort when the issues was ongoing, and before it was resolved.
