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Id monthly plan Double Charges

  • 20 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Not only i am paying for no service and misold on on my Id monthly plan

now id mobile Double Charged me for the same month for the same bill

one for &18... another £38…

plus id mobile do not give any details of the roaming charges out of plan  basically id mobile are making them up as they go

no refund for mis sold add, no compensation to the distress caused to a vilnerable customer leaving stranded abroad without essential apps .

Id is just charging and taking out of my bank £56 for no service for 10 days

complaint Ref 412173055 no reply or follow up on the 20/6/24



Hi @Rico 


We give plenty of details of charges associated with using your plan in a non-inclusive zone here.


Please could you let us know how you were mis-sold?


If you’re already in contact with the complaints team about this, I’d recommend keeping on with them.




It is worth to know you will get out of plan without knowing it also Watch out for your holiday dates as ID mobile will charged you when you are still in the UK. Both ID mobile APP and website is useless to monitor your usage when roaming in or out of plan in EU  inclusive zone. 

Unlike other providers, ID Mobile do not give precise details of ID mobile charges for  extra datas when roaming out of plan in inclusive EU zone. Neither ID Mobile give these details when billing you.

In the link provided by ID mobile community influencers here, there is no cost in number in pound. What ID Mobile charged in pounds when roaming out of plan in inclusive EU zone like France, Spain, Italy... is not indicated nowhere.

ID mobile just charged me out of plan EU roaming when I was still in the UK.


The complaints Team do not followed complaints. 

I got one phone call from the complaint team that was never follow up and was very difficult to understand. So as a vulnerable customer, phone calls are far too dfficult and not accessible for me anymore. Any of my emails to my complaint reference 412173055 have not be responded. 


ID mobile has mis-sold me two add-on for £10 each = £20 worthless when roaming out of plan.

No compensation to the distress caused to a vulnerable customer left stranded abroad without essential apps










Hi @Rico 


The charges for usage while outside of an inclusive zone or over your 30GB fair usage data limit can be found here. It is in GBP, I’m not sure what you’re referring to when you say it isn’t, that’s wrong, it is shown.


If you wish to have a follow up to your complaint, please call the complaints team on 0800 049 2402 or 0800 049 1300.


Making multiple posts here about the same thing will not progress your case, please continue with the complaints team.


