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I have recently updated my iPhone to the IOS 18 public beta. One of the features coming with IOS 18 is RCS support on iPhone with android users. As of now ID does not appear to support this feature, do you have any plans to enable this in the future. Thank you. 

First. {REMOVED} update your iphone, not ID mobile. Support for their beta software should be directed to them. If you want things to ‘just work’ you shouldn’t be playing with beta software. That’s “testing” grade. Expect things to not work.


Next, RCS is a protocol supported by applications, not a network. The network doesn’t care what protocols are embedded into it’s packets, it just delivers them. For RCS support in your software, try reading the manual.

Hello @LordFeltchly and thank you for your reply. I will adresss a few points here. 

firstly I will chose who I elect my phone to be with and after working in I.T for 15 years I have seen quite plainly IOS is far more stable and better supported. This post had nothing to do with the IOS beta and more so a feature request. I do realise however that IOS working properly with both IOS and Android messaging may be a fear for some people as it will break down one of the reasons to buy an android. However please let’s focus on the request at hand and not someone’s phone preference. 

secondly I will paste here a transcript from apple support that tells me quite plainly it is the carrier that must support it too and how to check (you will see the screenshot attached showing I.D does not support it):

When you tap Carrier, it will change to IMS Status and show messaging support details to the right. For example, if your carrier supports RCS, you'll see Voice, SMS & RCS. If your carrier doesn't support RCS, you'll see Voice & SMS.


@I.d please can you or someone knowledgable answer the question not some android fanboy who has no idea what they are on with. Thank you. 



  • Azeru, you’ll need to change to another network if you’re desperate for this.
    As posted, elsewhere no plans for this on id.

Only EE currently support RCS on Apple.

Seems I confuddled protocols. My bad.


Casual glance suggests “three” support it, but requires activation in account settings.  Potential exists for operability. You’d need to as ID as to why they don’t.  I’m sure if enough people complain, they’ll move. Quick poke suggests that over wifi transport is via a screwgle cloud guest account. Maybe they could just use that? Or maybe you could. 


I’m certainly not a hemerrhoid “fanboi” as you put it. I’ve been intentionally avoiding this technology as I prefer things that can actually be trusted for the last 20 years, until semi-recent events have forced me to forgo sense in the favour of contactability. 

