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Bieing charged 30p per minute of call when i have unlimited minutes.  This needs addressing quickly as this is breaching there contract of service. 

Looks like iD Mobile have got a billing issue with their systems @Chelsie Isabella.

@Dean Creswick was having exactly the same issue, which they fixed by turning their handset OFF, then back ON - have you tried that?  

Are ID addressing this issue and letting us know it’s resolved or just leaving us to chat about? 

Are ID addressing this issue and letting us know it’s resolved or just leaving us to chat about? 

I’d imagine they’re addressing the issue.

For a quick answer, speak to iD customer service using online chat at

The iD agents normally work until 8pm on weekdays - good luck.

One year on and I have this exact problem.  It seems pretty basic…?

Hi @StuartK,

Welcome to the Community!

Did you manage to contact someone regarding this?

Can you confirm that the numbers that you have been charged for are included in your allowances.



Hi Kash

The response I got was we know about the problem and you’ll get a refund on the incorrect charges.  I do appreciate that things go wrong and appropriate corrective action is the right way to go.  But I was puzzled to find that this issue is flagged in this community a year ago...

Hi Kash

...  But I was puzzled to find that this issue is flagged in this community a year ago...

iD Mobile are arguably a no-frills outfit, and perhaps this means decisions are made on the priority of bug fixes. If only a handful of the 1-million+ customers are being affected, then no-frills might mean postponing fixing an issue.


That is my view also.  As long as issues do get resolved eventually their approach is understandable.  If, however, fundamental issues like customer billing persist in an unresolved state it would be a warning flag to new customers.

Hi @StuartK,

It seems the team are working on resolving the issue for any affected customers.

If you don’t receive a refund or credit, please let us know and we can investigate further.



Hi Kash - my issue is resolved - yay, and thanks for your help.  

I feel very foolish but I don’t know how to mark your answer as most helpful :(

Hi @StuartK,

Glad to hear that this is resolved.

I’m aware that this was an issue a while back but hadn’t heard that any customers were having this issue recently.

If you have any further issues, let us know here and we can escalate it to try and stop this from happening again.

