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ID mobile what have you done! People leaving a message get cut off after a matter of seconds. Happened a number of times and I use my phone for work. It never used to do that. I need you to fix it please. Asap!

iD Mobile, via their network partner Three UK, appear to be rolling-out a new voicemail system. 

It’s possible your voicemail is being migrated and this is causing the service problem you’ve reported @Bexripley93

ID mobile what have you done! People leaving a message get cut off after a matter of seconds. Happened a number of times and I use my phone for work. It never used to do that. I need you to fix it please. Asap!

I also have this problem and it cuts off after the same number of seconds every time….

Hi @Marktimbs,

Welcome to the Community!

Is the issue occurring every time you check your voicemail or just randomly?

We’ll be happy to assist you further once you get back to us.



Hi Kash, it’s not when I check my voicemail as such...more when someone is leaving me a voicemail, their call always gets cut off part way through leaving their message.  So to explain another way, they call me, it goes to voicemail in the usual way, they begin to leave their message and part way through (after the same amount of time, their call “fails” or disconnects to they cannot complete leaving their message.  So when I dial into my voicemail to listen to the messages, all I have are a set of half finished messages (or sometimes two when someone calls back and tries again).  Does that make sense?

I have the same problem - since it seems that the new voicemail system has rolled out, a lot of my callers messages get cut off after about 30seconds.

I’ve tried listening to the options within the system but there doesn’t seem to be an option to extend the recording time.

please can you resolve?


Hi @Adam376 @Bexripley93 @Marktimbs,

We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account so we can discuss your issue further.

To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.




The problem is no longer evident on my about you @Bexripley93 ? People can now leavevery long messages without being cut off.

Hi Kash,


Its when people are leaving voicemails



The problem is no longer evident on my about you @Bexripley93 ? People can now leavevery long messages without being cut off.

Nope still the same issue - it says after a few seconds ‘sorry this message hasnt been saved to re-record press hash’ then cuts off after 2 attempts. 


Please could you get back to us via PM so that we can help you out with this.

@Marktimbs glad to hear that this is resolved for you. Did you do anything to fix it or did it fix it’s self?


I was asked to try it again to provide some info to the support team but when I tried it again it was working fine...not sure what resolved it, but it seems ok now so they have closed my case.

Hi @Marktimbs 


Glad to hear that’s sorted.


