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payg sim card

  • 2 February 2024
  • 5 replies

please help, not a customer and they way I am being messed about doesn't help,

I just want a payg sim to top up as and when needed, I do not want a bundle, my use is insufficient to pay a monthly fee, I have been on line and these chatbots are useless and when I ask to speak to a person I go around in circle, apologies for the rant but I have been trying to find out how to go about it for oven 1 hour,

all I want is a non bundle payg sim, can someone please help me, all help and advice appreciated

I don’t think that’s possible to do online, @Harry Connell

The iD Mobile website forces selection of a bundle, which appears to be how many of the UK mobile network operators promote PAYG nowadays. 

Perhaps the iD telesales can send you a PAYG without a bundle - speak to them on 020 7139 1397.


thank you andewhite, I will do that, I appreciate your help and advice

Hi @Harry Connell,

Welcome to the Community!

You’ll need to purchase a bundle the first time.

After this you can top-up or purchase another bundle.




thank you one and all for your help and advice, wife and myself have joined, both on the 90 days for £10, still more than I will use but looks like the best option, once again many thanks, I appreciate your help and advice

Hi @Harry Connell 


No worries, let us know if you need anything else.


