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problem with my upgrade

  • 17 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi just tried to upgrade my phone, now being told there is a problem with the choice etc shouldI cancel it and reselect my choice if yes how do I do that

3 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +10

Maybe call the iD sales team to discuss your upgrade options, @noggin.

Call them on 020 7139 1397 - the advisers work between 9am - 6pm.


Userlevel 1

Brilliant thank you spoke to a VERY HELPFUL chap and now all sorted, thanks for the number

And thanks again for the helpful id mobile operator


Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hey there @noggin, welcome to Community!


Thank you so much for your assistance @andewhite, and glad to hear all is sorted @noggin!


I hope you both have a great day!


