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  • 25 June 2024
  • 2 replies

My 24 month contract ends in 2 months and I have been notified that it is time I upgraded.

Before i upgrade now, how does it work with the existing 24 month contract?.

Do my payments for this contract automatically stop and transfer onto my upgrade or will I still be billed for the final 2 months of the exisiting contract?.

I am confused as I am being told to upgrade.

2 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +10

You do not have to upgrade early, @archie2001.  

Perhaps worth just waiting until the 24-month minimum term of your existing iD contract ends.. 


Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hey there @archie2001, welcome to Community!


If you decide to upgrade early, then you’d be charged pro-rata for the first month for changing plan mid-plan, please see below:




Also, we’d recommend checking out the Community page kindly posted above by @andewhite.


It’s of course your choice if, and when you upgrade.


Thank you,

