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Roamingbut now data - France

  • 13 June 2024
  • 7 replies

Same problem I am having.  Anyone for ID there?

7 replies

Userlevel 1

For info my phone has just stopped re data (no emails, internet of WhatsApp.  Can phone ok.  Swapped SIMs with wife and my phone worked OK but hers didn’t.  Suggests this is a SIM issue.  Has bee n working OK for a month whilst in Spain and Portugal.  Is this a France issue?

Userlevel 8
Badge +10

Your APN value might be incorrect, @Nunogomes - can you call and text?

The correct APN value is “id” (lowercase), but the network profiles iD use don’t allow customers to edit their APN settings.

A NETWORK RESET might help force the handset to pick-up the correct value over the roaming network.

This forum is for members, and iD staff may not read users posts for a few days or more. Currently, it seems they’re ~5-6 days behind real-time, @Nunogomes.


Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Nunogomes 


This was working in Spain and Portugal, but when you got into France it stopped?


Have you tried manually connecting to the network(s) there of Orange, Free Mobile, BYTEL and BOUYGTEL?



Userlevel 1

Hi. Resolved now after 3 different Chat sessions.  Initially I was told [wrongly]  to change my APN settings to Orange France (the carrier my phone was connecting to). Obviously that didn’t work. Eventually it was discovered I had a roaming block put on my phone. By whom and why I never found out but it took the ‘technical’ people to identify this. They removed it. I restarted my phone and hey presto back in the land of the living!

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Nunogomes 


Glad to hear this was sorted by our chat team.



I have the same problem.

This is just not good enough - for several reasons.

  1. Some unknown unidentifiable unaccountable entity can place a bar on roaming, at will.
  2. The chat agents evidently have no way of even identifying this, let alone preventing recurrence of the problem
  3. It takes a technical department to come up with this wholly unsatisfactory specious explanation

How many other people are having this problem, and are being fobbed off with inadequate explanations?

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hi there @Springald, we’re very sorry to hear that.


Due to the issues raised, please can you contact our live-chat for instant support:


Thank you,

