
Account fraud

  • 30 August 2021
  • 4 replies


Does anyone have a contact number for the fraud team?

We have been trying via chat for 18 months to speak to someone.  

An account was taken out in my partners name by a former house mate but ID mobile won’t speak to us because we cannot pass security.  

It has already affected her credit score as the account defaulted (again nothing we can do as we cannot access the account) and has been passed to a collection agency.

We have tried chat numerous times but never get a response even when we are told it is being sent to the fraud team.

Our only choice if we cannot get a UK contact number is to go to the ombudsman


Best answer by WelshPaul 30 August 2021, 20:58

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4 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Does your partner have a crime reference number? If not, he/she will need one.

Hi WelshPaul,

Yes she has.

Tried giving them that too.

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

ID Mobile will not discuss anything with you as you’re neither the account holder or the victim...

Ask your partner to sign up for an account here on the community forums and make a post regarding the issue. A member of the team will then reach out with an offer of support and they will be able to escalate this for him/her.

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi @Mr_E,

As ​​​@WelshPaul has said, if your partner can sign up for a Community account here and then let us know about the situation, we’ll be able to have this reported as fraud.
