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Received a pac code and final payment cost but I did not request this 

Is this a data breach pac code fraud?

ID do not port my number




Received a pac code and final payment cost but I did not request this 

Is this a data breach pac code fraud?

ID do not port my number

Okay @EFF1, members of this iD forum can’t look at customers accounts, to protect your privacy and security - maybe someone has hacked your iD account.

Don’t wait for iD support here - I’d recommend speaking to an iD customer adviser quickly, @EFF1

Try - the advisers work until 8pm on weekdays. 

Thanks on with that waiting in 30 min queue now to speak to a person!




You can also PM iD support using Facebook Messenger or X (formerly Twitter), @EFF1.

Responses on social media aren’t immediate, though doesn’t sound like the online chat is particular speedy.

Sorted honest mistake.

Was not a phone call live chat but hopefully that’s the end




Phone went off today even after contacting ID mobile again this morning then 2 hrs later phone went dead Contacted 3rd time told it could take 24-48 hrs .

what happens next?



Hi there @EFF1, welcome to Community!


Were our live-chat team able to resolve your issue please?



