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Hi Folks,


I am a new customer. I can’t see how to enable 2FA on my account


How do I do this?



Hi @mrcarrot66 


Are you referring to the iD Mobile app/website?


Unfortunately this isn’t something supported on there, sorry.



Hi thanks for your reply, yeah that's what I mean. 

That's really bad that it's not supported. Like I don't think I've ever had a phone contract where the provider didn't at least send an SMS verification message

Come on iD. 2FA is absolutely essential!

Hi @mrcarrot66,

Welcome to the Community!

This isn’t something that we offer at the moment.

However we can assure you that your account is safe and secure.



What exactly is your assurance that our accounts are secure? Not having 2FA in 2024 is frankly reckless.


Can you please ensure that at least by the time you offer eSIMs you have 2FA implemented? Also, that you offer TOTP or other methods that don't rely on SMS?



Agreed. None SMS based would be best but at least SMS would be a start. 

ID team this really needs attention. You absolutely shouldn't be allowing access to such sensitive information without 2FA. 



Hi @mrcarrot66,

Thanks for your feedback and we will pass it over to the relevant team.

Hopefully it’s something that we can introduce in the future.


