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Despite paying for my bill days ago, I still can’t make any phone calls. It’s almost impossible to get in contact with anyone and the live chat option isn’t available. I’ll be leaving this supplier next month.


ID is awful, just awful.

Yeah @Stan Watt, iD can be very frustrating when things aren’t working properly and need fixing.

Any ideas on who your new service provider will be?


Any carrier who has people to talk to.

Hi @Stan Watt,

Welcome to the Community!

It can take a few hours for the services to resume and you sometimes may have to restart the handset.

However is this now resolved or would you like us to check this out?

Please get back to us here and we will PM you as soon as possible.




I've paid my bill and it's been over 2hrs now and still a automated message with "you reached the payment service, our records show your up to date with your bill" then cuts off? I've restarted my phone multiple times ? Can someone help pleasee this is very frustrating! . Thanks 

Hi @Mistry88,

On some occasions it can take 24 hours for services to resume.

If you are still having issues, please get back to us and we can PM you.

