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i may be on a 24 month contract but since id isnt delivering the service they promised then the contract has been broken.i have lost 2 days of work now not to mention customers unwilling to wait ive lost too.internet is still dropping out every few minutes.its useless to me.i cant work without it and i cant trust it.if i get no joy from them i will be taking it further.someone needs to pay for my losses.

i may be on a 24 month contract but since id isnt delivering the service they promised then the contract has been broken.i have lost 2 days of work now not to mention customers unwilling to wait ive lost too.internet is still dropping out every few minutes.its useless to me.i cant work without it and i cant trust it.if i get no joy from them i will be taking it further.someone needs to pay for my losses.

I'm with you Dave on that note. 

I think you can report them to the Communications Ombudsman but there's a process to give them reasonable time to sort the problems out before you can actually fill out the report.

I only joined ID 1 month ago and I've had issues with making calls since day 1,the otherside not hearing me.

I've had a replacement phone and replacement sim and still ive got the same problems. 

Internet is poor at my workplace,most the time on 1 bar and keeps dropping off,ive never once got 5G,but my biggest gripe is not being able to make the calls.

Im trying to change to another network or at least end the contract without any charges,as they haven't given me a service i signed up for.

It's not worth the paper it's writren on!

All the best Dave!


Hi @Dave Kendall,

Welcome to the Community!

We are sorry to hear about the coverage issues that you had.

I understand how inconvenient this network issue was for customers who were impacted. To discuss this further please chat to our customer service team, or see our complaints procedure page here.

If you are still having issues, please let us know.

