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Whilst at work I have a good signal and had no problems until last week.  My phone won’t make or receive calls, send or receive text messages.  Mobile data is fine and I can check emails, whatsapp, etc. My partner is on iD mobile too but phone works fine. As soon as I drive a mile away the phone works as it should.  I’ve updated the phone, cleared cache, etc. It’s been like this a week.  I put the sim in a different phone and it worked.  It must be to do with my phone settings but unsure what. I have a redmi note 9.  Any suggestions gratefully received, many thanks..

Hi @Helen Hannon,

Welcome to the Community! 

It sounds like the issue is location specific which means either the coverage is poor in the area or we are carrying out work.

You can check the coverage and network status checker HERE.

If no issues show, please let us know and we can send you a PM.



No issues but phone still not working yesterday

Hey there @Helen Hannon, we’re sorry to hear that. When checking the network status checker below for your postcode(s) you’re having issues in, does it say there’s any work going on, or that the area has high usage at any given time?


If the answer is no to both of those, then we can look at sending you a PM to investigate your issues further with you, as if there’s not any work going on, or if it’s not a low coverage area, there may be another issue at play here.


Thank you,


Hi Tyler,

Thanks for your reply.  There are no issues showing.  I’ve replaced the phone and it seems ok now so must have been the phone antenna wasn’t good enough on the older phone.  It has worked for the last two years though with no problems.


Hi @Helen Hannon,

It does sound like it was a handset issue.

If you require further assistance, please let us know.


