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Recently I’ve encountered an issue where when I and make or receive calls the person on the other end can’t here me even when I’ve on 5G with full signal, this mostly affects calls to companies that have automated phone systems but can also affect calls to and from mobiles and normal landlines. I also can’t get HD calling when receiving calls from some mobile numbers. If these issues persist I will have no choice but to cancel my contract as this is also my work sim and it’s embarassing when dealilng with customers! My phone is a Samsung Fold 5.

Hi @Laurie.J.M,

Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear about the issues with your calls.

The issue could be down to a few things so it may be best to firstly test the SIM in a different handset.

Secondly we can try a replacement SIM card, however please let us know how you get on with testing it in another handset.

