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Bought ID Mobile phone and contract via last week. Put PAC code in at point of purchase and chose 5th Feb as switching date. emailed to confirm this switch date last week.

My number still hasn’t switched from my old O2 account to my new ID Mobile account and if I try to enter my PAC again on my ID mobile app it won’t work. Can someone please tell me what’s happening as I’m going into hospital on the 8th Feb and need it switching before then. Whilst this is going on I’m paying for two accounts still which I’m not happy about. Live agents are always ‘busy’ according to the chatbot so that’s not an option. Thanks. 

To avoid the 24/7 chat-bot, just type “talk to a person” after connecting on Live Chat, @Julesaso

Does your O2 SIM card still work, @Julesaso? If it does, your switch hasn’t happened, or has been delayed. 

Either way, to get this resolved quickly, best to speak with a customer service advisor online. The advisors work until 8pm on weekdays.

Thanks, yes my old sim is still working so it’s definitely not been switched. Yes I did put that in the chatbot yesterday but every time it said all the agents were busy and to ‘try again later’ which isn’t helpful. Will be back trying again today *sigh*. Thanks. 

Okay @Julesaso, you can also contact iD customer service through social media. Use Facebook Messenger, or an X (formerly Twitter) DM to send them a private message. 



Hi @Julesaso,

Welcome to the Community!

Just checking if you still require assistance with this?

If you didn’t manage to get in touch with the team we can help you out here.



I've upgraded and now both my contracts are still active I would also like to keep my old number as it didn't give me an option to do this 

I upgraded my phone and when I received it I put the new sim in it, there was no option to keep my old number .I would like to keep my old number 07707920403  if possible .

My new number is 07861212403 which I don't want . Also my old phone contract is still running and needs cancelling 


Many thanks 

Kath woodward

Hi there @Kath Woodward, if you’ve upgraded, you’ll automatically keep your phone number.


If you’ve purchased a completely new plan, then you won’t be able to transfer your phone number directly from one contract to another I’m afraid.



