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I upgraded my contract with new Samsung S23 in june 2023. I have problem with the sound, sound is vibrating when playing videos. I took it to a phone repair shop and been told there is a manufacturing issues with Samsun S23 SIM slots with air being trapped in the slot causing pressure on the adjacent microphone  and causing ths soundto vibrate. They told me  they cannot fix the problem, i will have to keep taking the SIM slot out to relieve the air pressure. I want to return to phone back or replaced.

Sound is normally transmitted from the device speakers, not the device microphone. 

  • Have you tried the Samsung Members app, to evaluate & test your device?
  • Have you tried using the Samsung Self Repair Assistant app to recalibrate the speakers?

These Samsung apps can be downloaded from the Play Store.



The entire Galaxy S22 series has a severe design flaw that causes the speakers to crackle and distort when exposed to pressure changes (elevation), going on a flight, or cold temperatures (< 60 F). The only way to fix it was to remove the SIM tray, thus allowing the pressure inside the phone to equalise. The trouble was, this was a temporary solution, because the internal pressure of the phone would increase again over time and the crackle/distortion would return. However, I don’t believe the S23 suffers from this issue. 

Hi @Dilek Karakus 


I’m sorry to hear this, my best recommendation would be to visit your local Currys store to have it sent off under warranty or speak directly to Samsung for this.


