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Hi, recently switched to ID and ported number across, some text messages are coming through to old phone, some to new phone.

Live chat have been as helpful as a chocolate fireguard, any suggestions before I cancel my contract?


Is your old service provider’s SIM card still working, @Beed

Sounds like your switch might’ve gone wrong - be careful what you do next if you want keep your mobile number.


I can't phone out on old phone but it's still receiving the odd message

Odd messages may still go to your old phone, if they’re sent (to you) using iMessage or Google RCS protocol, and your old phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network. 

The protocol used depends on make and model of your old phone, @Beed.


Just standard messages are going to old phone/sim. ID have been awful. Looking at leaving while in my cooling period and hopefully keep my number

Okay @Beed, should you decide to leave, do be sure to get a returns authorisation in your cooling-off period - don’t cancel your iD contract. 

This forum article explains the return process.


Hi @Beed 


Sorry to hear this, is there a SIM card still active in your old device?


What device was your number transfer fully complete?


Are you sure you’ve turned off RCS or iMessage on the old device?


