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I don’t have the welcome email to get my transaction number? 
Am I able to get it any other way?

Hi @Joseph Fairbairn,

We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account so we can discuss your issue further.

To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.


Would you please check my account I have paid the money I have paid the money and my balance is 0.00 I want to upgrade my phone but it is still saying I am unable to please could you check what the problem is.

thank you 

Hi @Winner2023,

Welcome to the Community!

I can see that we have responded to you elsewhere.

Please get back to to us there and we can assist yo further.



Can someone please help me to get that too

Hi there @Clappbinks33, thank you for reaching out.


Please contact our live-chat ASAP, and they can get that for you:



