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A friend who has/had an Idmobile a/c changed to a sim only deal.(with ID mobile). Because he never followed the correct procedure he has been advised he cannot transfer his old phone number to the new sim. To me it’s seems a bit strange as ID mobile owns both phone numbers. Could someone comment and is it possible to talk to someone on the phone rather than online chat. (I think his old phone a/c has been cancelled ,but guess this could be reinstated ?)

To add to his problems he cannot login to his gmail a/c as it requires 2 step verification using his old phone number (he decided to change  his password)

Okay @roger123, unfortunately iD Mobile do not operate a telephone support helpline.
All their help & support options are online.

iD Mobile can’t / won’t transfer a mobile number from one connection to another connection, on their network. If an iD account owner doesn’t follow the correct upgrade procedures, they’ll end up with a new connection, instead of an upgrade. 

Nor will iD Mobile reinstate an old account - where account has been disconnected from their network following cancellation.

Has you friend tried starting from, to gain access to their Gmail?


Thanks re the above. He has just contacted me  to recover his gmail a/c

Hope you’re able to assist your friend, and recover access to their Gmail mailbox, @roger123

Hi @roger123 


To keep a number with a new plan, an account holder will need to process an upgrade.


Unfortunately, we cannot transfer a number from one iD Mobile plan to another iD Mobile plan directly.





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