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Why do I have to pay for text messages when they are unlimited,  these aren't premium or picture messages 

Hi @Anna Roberts 


Have you checked your iD Mobile monthly bill to see what texts you’ve been charged for?


Texts to regular UK mobile numbers are unlimited, however if you’re texting premium or non-standard numbers you may be charged.



I only text work phone it isn't premium at all 

It may be classified as a non-standard mobile number, @Anna Roberts

To check online, click HERE.


It's a normal mobile phone number like mine is 

Not all mobile numbers are considered normal by iD Mobile, @Anna Roberts

For example, any mobile number that begins with 07406 59x xxx, is considered non-standard at iD. 

To check online, click HERE

07713 xxxxxxx

Isn't on the list 


Perhaps the iD online list out-of-date, or there’s been a billing error, @Anna Roberts.

Hi @Anna Roberts 


We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further. 


To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’. 


Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:  


We’ll see you there. 


