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The eSIM support seems to….not work. I am trying to install a secondary eSIM and it just shows me a Samsung waiting indicator and then fails out. If you are blocking this it’s illegal as the gadget is from 2022 and the contract issued in 2023; carrier locking was banned in 2021.

Hey there @yorksranter, welcome to Community!


I’d recommend contacting our live-chat to look into this ASAP for you:





Follow up on this: no, it's not carrier blocked but what will happen is that installing an eSIM may corrupt something related to the baseband, and you’ll have to factory reset the phone. You can back it up, I used a USB stick, but don't back up settings. It seems to be a Samsung known issue but I haven't dared try again

Hi @yorksranter 


Glad to hear you found a fix for this.


As a small note for locked devices, we haven’t locked Android phones ever and haven’t locked iPhones since 2018.


