How to beat your post-holiday blues

How to beat your post-holiday blues
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Let’s face it, sometimes you get back from holiday and feel like you need another one. As soon as you’re back to the commute on a rainy old Monday morning, it can seem like you’ve never been away.

So, we’ve put together a few hints and tips, together with helpful links and apps, to help you beat those post-holiday blues and arrive at work with a positive attitude. And, if you haven’t been away yet, read on, a little pre-holiday planning can make it much easier when you get back to reality.

1. Get organised

After a long, lazy holiday, that alarm on your first morning back can be tough. So, make things easy on yourself with a little planning the night before. Choose what you’re going to wear, get your bag ready for work, find your security pass, etc.

And make to-do lists of what needs to be prioritised on the first day or week. There are some great apps, like Evernote Wunderlist or Trello that can help you with this kind of prep and planning.

If you haven’t been away yet, you can get organised right now with our holiday checklist. We’re really jealous of you!

2. Make time for yourself

Don’t rush headlong into the pile of work waiting for you. Pace yourself and make sure you take regular breaks to give yourself a chance to take stock and remain calm.

Be sure to take proper lunch breaks away from your desk and, if possible, leave the office for a breath of fresh air, just to keep things in perspective. You were on the beach this time last week, after all.

If you need a little help to stay calm, take a look at de-stressing apps like Calm or Headspace and remember, you’re not in this alone.

3. Now hear this!

Stay positive and inspired by listening to some motivational podcasts like Ted Talks or some Spotify motivational playlists on your way to work. Better still, put together your own playlist of your fave inspirational, upbeat tunes as the soundtrack to your commute. And why not treat yourself to some new headphones while you’re at it?

After a holiday, your overall productivity increases, so keep yourself motivated and be prepared for pats on the back from your colleagues.

4. Read all about it…

Load up your tablet or Kindle with some inspirational reads for your commute to work or for a quick motivator on your lunch break. Check out the best eBook readers here or download an eBook reader app to your smartphone or tablet.

There are loads to choose from like Kindle, Kobo, Serial Box, Google Play Books and many more. And a whole world of eBooks out there just waiting to be discovered.

5. Stay active and eat well

You’re bound to be tired coming back to work after a relaxing holiday, especially if you’ve had a long journey home through different time zones. The importance of eating well and staying hydrated to keep yourself focused and concentrated at work cannot be over-emphasised.

Check out healthy eating apps and sites like Better Health Better Families and MyFitnessPal and, for a little exercise motivation, check out: Map My WalkRunkeeper or Fitbit.

6. Keep your holiday going

A great holiday is all about great experiences, and that can be a delicious dish you’ve eaten or a favourite activity. And just because you’ve got back home, doesn’t mean you have to leave those experiences behind.

Had an amazing Italian meal in Rome? Check to see if there are any great Italian places in your area. Or maybe you can use a takeaway app to have it delivered to your door. Loved rock climbing in Thailand? Maybe an indoor climbing wall will scratch that itch.

7. It’s good to talk

Take time to check in with your colleagues and get up to speed on what you missed while you were away. Catch-up with a friend over coffee and chat about your holiday. Simply talking to someone and having a laugh can help improve your first day back.


Giveaway Time:

To be in with a chance of winning, we want to know what your favourite book or podcast to wind down to is and why. Whether it's true crime podcasts, fantasy books or something else that helps you relax we want to know!

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101 replies

I’ve been enjoying Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club books.  The characters are great and it’s easy to read.

My absolute favourite book/set that I’ve enjoyed reading in my down time is the chronicles of Ixia by Maria V. Snyder.

I’ve always had a particular taste in books and would usually drop something if the cover didn’t look enough to entice me as well as the first few chapters in the book (not the best attitude towards stories, particularly if they do get better as the story progresses). But after I came across the first book in my local library and read the first book of the series, I was instantly hooked. It had multiple genres that were cohesive and well interlinked, which further more develops as you read on with the series.

The author definitely paid attention to not stressing on the relationship between the characters to work; was able to provide situations to build or portray how the characters behaved towards each other. 

These key details really made me love re-reading and buying the entire series and I would highly recommend this series to someone who wanted a fantasy-like medieval series that had a decent amount of romance and suspense to satisfy your needs. 

My favourite book right now is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. The characters were great and the story is so interesting and full of emotions. Loved getting to see Evelyn’s life and it kind of seemed like you as the reader are there and joining her and her life journey. Taylor Jenkins Reid is definitely one of my favourite writers (can’t forget Colleen Hoover as well).

Userlevel 1

Christian Cameron - The Long War series!! A 5 book saga about the Greek and Persian wars. Sounds geeky but it’s brilliant to be taken back in time.

Userlevel 1

I enjoy listening to books by Alexis Hall on audible. Reading wise, I’m a big fan of fantasy books in general. My favourites are those set in the Dragon Age universe. The kindle I have is the very first one that was released so it could do with an upgrade 😅

Userlevel 1

Rachel Joyce writes brilliant books. I’ve just finished The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. I didn’t want it to end. I have lots more of hers to read too now!

My favourite author at the moment is B.V.Larson and his Undying Mercenaries. Very character driven and good humour. The audiobook is excellently voiced by Mark Boyett.

Peter Crouch has a fantastic podcast, That Peter Crouch Podcast.  Even if you're not into football the topics covered by Crouchy and pals will intrigue, entertain and, dare I say, educate the listener.  Okay, maybe not the latter but it's definitely worth a listen if you want a zany insight into sport and sportspeople with chances to contribute.

My holiday read is always the Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child's.

Anything by Nicholas Sparks, but especially The Notebook, sad without being depressing, true to life and gives hope, such an uplifting read

I've struggled to read since covis due to MH issues. My favourite podcasts are to do with my  of F1. It's a great insight to what happens behind the scenes. 

Userlevel 1

Has to be a bit of Milton Jones, absolutely out of this world, much underated comedian and story teller 

Userlevel 1

I like to escape with the ‘old fashioned’ Miss Read books. Yes please.


Userlevel 1

I've had my Kindle Paperwhite since 2013 and it's rammed with books.  I love murder mysteries (especially PD James), classics, and historical fiction.  Never leave home without it!  I also have an audio book on the go at all times so that I can go for a walk and get lost in the countryside or walk on the beach while being entertained.  What would we do without authors.  Thank you all.  Best book so far this year?  Definitely Where the Crowdads Sing.  It was magical.

Userlevel 1

For me it has to be Wizard and Glass, from Stephen King's Dark Tower series. The whole series is a good collection but my favourite has to be the riddling contest with blane the train in Wizard and Glass.

I flit between two main genres of books I tend to go from Sci-fi straight to old world fantasy.

I like the jump from very futuristic to very old world every time.

Podcasts l, I love "the always sunny podcast"

Userlevel 1

I enjoy reading theological, eschatological, and juristic texts. I find them stimulating 

My favourite book would have to be Touching the Void by the mountaineer Joe Simpson, recounting his accident and self rescue from a crevasse in Peru. I first read this in one sitting of about 6 hrs when it was first published and is an edge of the seat read. My favourite podcast is Mountain and an episode called the Angel of Camersumary. A tale of a photographer and his lost love with a lovely ending.

Userlevel 4

My favourite series at the moment is the throne of glass series by Sarah J. Maas. It's a fantasy series about magic and adventure! Reading this series transports me to a different world, I tend to read before going to bed to relax and take my mind off everyday life.

A kindle would definitely help keep my arms from going numb whilst reading in bed!

Userlevel 1

I still enjoy the Harry Potter books - goodness knows how many times l've read them.  Usually after finishing a new series of historical fiction (Sansom, Parris, Brack, Maitland etc) or a stand alone that has been quite heavy, l will return to the first Harry Potter. It still engages and is 'magical'.

At the moment I’m mostly listening to the Batman Unburied podcast on Spotify. Excellent. A excellent take on a classic story with interesting twists and turns along the way! Check it out!

Userlevel 1

Absolutely not ‘highbrow’ but I listen to the weekly Chris and Rosie Ramsey poscast, ‘ Shagged, Married, Annoyed’.  Probably a surprise hit for them, but a fun listen which lightens my mood. 

I love The Ancients podcast from History Hit - nothing takes my mind off trivial work woes like hearing about life hundreds of years ago!

Userlevel 1

Celebrity Memoir podcasts are great for passing time. They're fun and easy to listen to. I especially like Celebrity Memoir Bookclub. The Blindboy podcast's a great one for making me think!

Userlevel 2

I enjoy a bit of escapism with the Wheel Of Time series.


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